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Detrás de la Razón - Abuso sexual en el Vaticano

La palabra de Dios en la Iglesia católica en muchos casos se ha convertido en la palabra seductora que lleva a niños inocentes o a incautos a caer en las garras del sacerdote hambriento de la fechoría. Esta es la fachada del Vaticano hoy con la que tiene que remar a contracorriente.
Esta es la fotografía de decenas de casos de violación y abuso sexual cometido por sacerdotes que abusando de la confianza de la fe, satisfacen su deseo más carnal, lo que hace que el delito moral, penal y espiritual sea peor.
Ante todo ello al Papa Francisco no le quedó más ... continua

Evento GAD: video-documentario di Occhio Ai Media

Sabato 20 marzo 2021, alle ore 17:00​, si è tenuta la prima proiezione del video-documentario, prodotto da Occhio Ai Media, intitolato “GAD”.
L'obiettivo del progetto è di dare voce alle testimonianze di chi vive il quartiere tutti i giorni.
Successivamente al cortometraggio, abbiamo condotto un dibattito con tre ospiti:
- Alfredo Alietti: Docente di Sociologia Generale e Sociologia Urbana e del Territorio presso Unife
- Luca Lanzoni: architetto ed esperto in pianificazione urbanistica e sicurezza urbana presso UPCT
- Selma Boukaid: Attivista sociale di ... continua

Mud and sand

Mud and sand is a silent film starring Stan Laurel, that was filmed in 1922 in film. Laurel plays a matador who makes a fool of a famous Spanish dancer. The dancer demands revenge and, in the end, kills the matador by throwing a concealed brick at him after a fight with the fiercest bull in Spain. The moral of the story, shown in the last scene, is: "If you want to live long -- and be happy -- cut out the bull!" The title spoofs the Rudolph Valentino film Blood and Sand (1922 film), and many scenes directly parody that film.

Charlie Chaplin festival

Four Chaplin shorts from 1917: The Adventurer, The Cure, Easy Street and The Immigrant, presented with music and sound effects.


Häxan (Danish title: Heksen; English title: The Witches or Witchcraft Through The Ages) is a 1922 Swedish/Danish Silent film horror film written and directed by Benjamin Christensen. Based partly on Christensen's study of the Malleus Maleficarum, a 15th-century German guide for inquisition, Häxan is a study of how superstition and the misunderstanding of diseases and mental illness could lead to the hysteria of the witch-hunts.

Paradise isle

Paradise isle is a 1937 American film directed by Arthur Greville Collins.

Teenage zombies

Teenagers Reg, Skip, Julie and Pam go out for an afternoon of water skiing on a nice day. They come ashore on an island that is being used as a testing center for a scientist and agents from "an eastern power." They seek to turn the people of the United States into easily controlled zombie like creatures. The agents steal Reg's boat, stranding the teens on the island. The four friends are then held captive in cages able only to speculate on their fate. Though they have already been testing the formula on convicts and drunks, the enemy scientist and agents plan to ... continua

The Blacksmith

Blacksmiths' assistant inadvertent clowning around in the shop, gets into fight with the smithy who is then arrested and placed in jail. In the meantime, the assistant tries to help several customers with devastating comedic consequences.

Historias Propias (24/9/2019) - Con Leticia González, doula y estudiante de partera

Historias Propias (14/11/2019) - Con Alberto Marcovecchio, fotógrafo y arquitecto