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Seven keys To Baldpate

George M Cohan stars in the 1917 film of his play based on the often filmed Earl Derr Biggers novel.
Seven keys to Baldpate is a 1917 American silent mystery/thriller film produced by George M. Cohan and distributed by Artcraft Pictures, an affiliate of Paramount. The film is based on Cohan's play of the novel by Earl Derr Biggers. Cohan himself stars in this silent version along with Anna Q. Nilsson and Hedda Hopper, billed under her real name Elda Furry. One version of the play preceded this movie in 1916 and numerous versions followed in the succeeding decades ... continua

Curse of the swamp creature

Deep in the rural swamps of Texas the mad Dr. Simond Trent is conducting experiments on the local swamp people in an attempt to discover the secret of evolution. When a party of oil surveyors comes upon his isolated laboratory he decides to take the final step and turn one of them into a grotesque amphibious creature

Atom age vampire

After a beauty is mangled in a car accident, a researcher uses a treatment he has created to restore her to her former self. However, the treatment comes with a high price.... This was originialy an Italian film titled "Seddok, l'erede di Satana" which was later dubbed into English and retitled "Atomic Age Vampire"

At midnight I will take your soul

A gravedigger prowls the city in search of a female to bear him a son

Killer shrews

On an isolated island, a small group of people are terrorized by giant voracious shrews in the midst of a hurricane

The fourth alarm

A fire inspector discovers that his father, an industrialist, is secretly producing nitroglycerin at his warehouse

Gastón Soublette y Violeta Parra / Chile

Soublette y Violeta Parra: "Nunca se me habría abierto la puerta de la cultura popular sin ella. El filósofo profundizó en su relación con la cantautora chilena, quien lo desafió a conocer el mundo de la cultura popular. Dicho conocimiento le valió para escribir sus publicaciones. Publicado por: Poder y Verdad | La Red TV. 2.11.21

Claves de la crianza consciente y respetuosa

En este vídeo, Míriam Tirado explica en qué consiste la crianza consciente. "Criar de manera consciente es que los adultos tengamos en cuenta las necesidades de nuestros hijos y les demos un apego seguro, aportándoles aquello que necesitan", afirma. Tirado ofrece pautas y consejos de gran utilidad para madres y padres. La experta pone el foco en los progenitores y no en el comportamiento de los hijos, y ofrece herramientas para gestionar las emociones cotidianas como una rabieta, los celos e incluso para mejorar situaciones del día a día, como el complejo ... continua

Visita: aprendemosjuntos.bbva.com

Francisco Villa El Canto del Ángel / Chile

Francisco Villa homenajeando a Víctor Jara con su canción El Canto del Ángel... Publicado por: TROVA en CHILE el 29 septiembre 2021

L’incredibile storia delle Ragazze Radioattive

Questa storia ha inizio nel 1922 nella città di Ottawa (Illinois, USA) e sconvolse l’opinione pubblica quando fu rivelata. All’epoca, una giovane donna di nome Grace Fryer si rivolse ai medici perché fu colpita da una strana malattia: all'improvviso cominciò a perdere i denti, e la mandibola iniziò ad assomigliare ad una spugna porosa, tanto che i medici riuscivano ad prenderne dei pezzi con le mani. Tuttavia non riuscivano a spiegare di quale malattia soffrisse Grace. Ma dopo un po' di tempo, sempre più donne iniziarono ad avere gli stessi sintomi...