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Tag: rom

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Il Dado, una soluzione possibile

Un futuro per otto famiglie rom: da un’emergenza a un’esperienza pilotaNovembre 2006, a Borgaro Torinese, in provincia di Torino, un incendio distrugge il campo rom di Mappano, duecento rom colpiti dalla disgrazia perdono tutto. Molti di loro fuggono. L’associazione Terra del Fuoco conosce il campo di Mappano e le sue pessime condizioni: come molti campi irregolari, niente acqua, niente luce, condizioni igieniche proibitive. Da alcuni mesi l’associazione ha iniziato un rapporto continuativo con il quale ha ottenuto la fiducia degli abitanti del campo, arrivati ... continua

Visita: www.terradelfuoco.org

Dal Gianicolo al Vaticano

Dal verde del Gianicolo alle mura vaticane, vi mostro un percorso pedonale panoramico, possibile con poca spesa per la città ma fino ad oggi inaccessibile ai romani e ai turisti. La più bella vista della cupola di S. Pietro . Visita il sito: www.nandocan.it

Radar Men From the Moon 11

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
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La vicenda dei decreti regalo e degli affitti d'oro hanno dato la certezza agli italiani di essere stati per lungo tempo presi in giro. In questa sede ricordiamo in due puntate l'incredibile gestione di "Mister prezzi".

Radar Men From the Moon 7

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
... continua

Contromafie 2009 - Intervista Nando Dalla Chiesa

Intervista a Nando Dalla Chiesa, scrittore e politico italiano, vicepresidente di Libera, agli stati generali dell'antimafia 2009, che si sono tenuti a Roma nelle giornate dal 23 al 25 Ottobre 2009.

Visita: www.libera.it

Radar Men From the Moon 4

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
... continua

Radar Men From the Moon 5

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
... continua

Radar Men from the Moon

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
... continua

Radar Men From the Moon 3

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
... continua