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La memoria del fuoco - Intervento di Adolfo Perez Esquivel

Intervento di Adolfo Perez Esquivel presso la 5° Edizione di Carovane 2004 svoltasi a Piacenza dal 29/08/2004 al 05/09/2004 Durante il dibattito "Diritti civili e libertà" Visita il sito: www.carovane.pc.it

Nakba - una caravana por los derechos del pueblo palestines

En julio 2006 una caravana parte desde strasburgo, para pedir por los derechos del pueblo palestines, atravesando parte de Europa, los Balcanes y el Medio Oriente hasta Palestina. Una familia palestines, habitante de un campo de profugos de Damasco, cuenta un pedazo de historia de su pueblo.

Disarmiamo la Storia

Non un filmato sulla PACE, ma alcune piste e testimonianze per riflettere, discutere, approfondire, decidere... e fare...
Armi - Società Civile - Informazione - Europa e Onu - Proposte di Pace
Interviste e immagini raccolte alla manifestazione nazionale "Arena di Pace" - Verona, 1 giugno 2003 e al seminario organizzato da Beati i Construttori di Pace "Per un futuro senz'armi" - Padova, 6-9 agosto 2003
Gianfranco Benzi - Antonio Dall'Olio - Carlo Gubitosa - Alex Zanotelli - Massimo Toschi - Sabina Siniscalchi - Savino Pezzotta - Antonio Papisca - ... continua

Acción directa

Este documental de Aram Silva toca diferentes temas de la actualidad chilena, entre ellos la anticoncepción de emergencia y la problemática de las bandas musicales de Nueva Aurora. Dirección: Aram Silva Cortesía de Festival de Cine de La Victoria Visita el sitio: www.canal3lavictoria.cl

Conciencia Ya!!

Documental de Atrévete Tv sobre la indiferencia generalizada relacionada con la contaminación ambiental. Dirección: Atrévete Tv Cortesía de Festival de Cine de La Victoria Visita el sitio: www.canal3lavictoria.cl

Face to Face: the young people of Neve Shalom - Wahat al Salam

On a hill in Israel, between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, lies the village of Neve Shalom - Wahat al Salam, a community where Jews and Palestinians have decided to live together. They have chosen to deal with the conflict between their two peoples in a non-violent way. Today there are fifty families living in Neve Shalom - Wahat al Salam: half of them are Jewish and the other half are Palestinian.For the young people of Neve Shalom - Wahat al Salam, what does growing up together mean to them?Mariagrazia MoncadaDirector-editor, making freelance documentaries, corporate ... continua

Politiche di Pace: l'uso della forza, l'uso della politica

Seminario Politiche di Pace: l'uso della forza, l'uso della politica, a cura di Forum TSN, Tavola della Pace, ONG Registrazione efettuata presso la nona edizione di Civitas - mostra convegno della solidarieta' e dell'economia sociale e civile che ha aperto nei padiglioni della Fiera di Padova.

6) - Supports SMEs: OpTag, for the efficient airports of tomorrow.

The expertise of SMEs and universities for the efficietn airports of tomorrow.
The OpTag Project is an EU funded project, which aims to run for 3 years, and the idea here is to try new technologies to enhance the efficiency of airports.
The aim of the project is use technology in combination of cameras, we have design a specific cameras for that and the use of radio frequency tagging to try and determine exactly where any individual passengers within an airport at any given time.
Interviews:Stuart Robson: Department of Geomatics - University College ... continua

5) - Supports SMEs: Low Heat, for the ecological hoyse of the future.

Imaginative SMEs for the ecological House of the Future
Every year, everywhere across Europe, waste hot water is going down the drain with no attempt to recover that heat that is being lost. So why is nothing on the market to recover this energy and put the energy back into the house?.
Interviews:Darren Woodcock: PERA Innovation - Low Heat Project Manager.
Cristopher Robert Simpson: CRS, Engineering - Heat Pipe Design.
Kevin Allsop: Robert Prettie Plumbing Services.
Dale Courtman: The institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering.
John Hill: PERA Innovation - ... continua

4) - Supports SMEs: Truesound, rescue the true sound of the past.

Craftsmen and scientists join together for the true sound from the past.
Baroque music. To some this sound is the Voice of God himself. It's music which contains astonishing virtuoso sounds when played on an imposing historical organ.
These majestic instruments are veritable orchestras in their own right. The wealth of sound comes from the skills of the organ builders from years gone by.
The expertise of craftsmen. But, over time, some essential parts of that expertise have been lost...
Interviews:Henk van Eeken: Organ Builder, Netherlands.
Brigitte Baretzky: ... continua