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Categoria: Documentari (6259)

Categoria: Documentari

Sottocategorie (5507)

Totale: 752

London Town's On the Trails of Reggae

A Film by Tommaso D’Elia The documentary intends to retrace the original trail to perceive and feel Africa’s roots within London’s Reggae music.We cover topical subjects such as the 1948, ‘Windrush’ massive immigration from the Caribbean Islands to London, the Notting Hill riots in 1976, the New Cross massacre in Brixton during the late 80ies and we explore Reggae Music today, stressing its strong influence on both punk and pop music . After the recent film ‘Jamaica mon amour’ , this new production offers in-depth analyses aiming at further ... continua

Call of Rio Madeira

The Call of Rio Madeira shows the resistance of the Amazonian peoples and social movements against big infrastructure development projects which aim to redesign the shape of Latin America.Filmed during 2007-2008 the “Call of Rio Madeira” is one of the most recent documentaries aiming to show to the world which are the real interests behind this type of development at any cost. A type of development which only favours the interests of banks, companies and multinational corporations without considering at all the environmental and social consequences.The Rio Madeira ... continua

Jak Bank Report

Swedish JAK bank represents from 1965 a nonviolent movement that fights against the concept of interest applied on money. Its aim is to offer a sustainable and feasible alternative to traditional interest-based banking, reinventing savings and loans service.This movie is a report about JAK Membersbank, shot in Sweden in August 2007. It shows how JAK works, which kind of financial tools it offers to members and associations, what’s the spirit that makes nearly 550 volunteers offering their time to spread the JAK idea.You can buy the book about Jak Bank Report on the ... continua

Zeitgeist: the movie

Documentary film Directed by Peter Joseph and created as Not-for-Profit expressions to communicate what the author felt were highly important social understandings which most humans are generally not aware of.The film focuses on suppressed historical & modern information about currently dominant social institutions, while also exploring what could be in store for humanity if the power structures at large continue their patterns of self-interest, corruption, and consolidation.The film opens with a collection of visual art, film footage and audio quotes. It starts with ... continua

Viola Chilensis

Viola Chilensis, es la primera y única película completa hasta ahora sobre la vida y obra de uno de los más grandes símbolos del ancestro nacional, Violeta Parra.Ella, junto a Pablo Neruda, están profundamente enraizados en la cultura popular y mítica de los chilenos, formando también parte desde hace mucho, del valioso patrimonio de la cultura universal.
El documental muestra imágenes y sonidos fundamentales en la vida de Violeta Parra, con el objeto de aproximar al gran público a la amplitud y trascendencia de su obra.Imágenes en que ella canta, baila, ... continua

Retratos: La Zaragoza

El Proyecto Retratos establece la elaboración de documentales que reflejan la riqueza cultural e histórica presente en Venezuela. Para ello, se elaboran videos que muestran las tradIciones y costumbres de nuestro país, mediante una gama de fiestas y otras manifestaciones culturales. De esta forma, edumedia promueve el reconocimiento de nuestra esencia como nación, a través del testimonio de aquellos que han impedido la desaparición de nuestras festividades.
Cada 28 de diciembre, la tradición venezolana celebra el dia de los ... continua

La nuova arte del verde

Selezione creativa dal Modena garden festival.I giardini e terrazzi premiati dalla giuria. Tutti i progetti più votati da giornalisti e pubblicoIdee creative e suggerimenti utili.Visita il sito: www.giardini.biz

¡Digan la verdad!

La evidente afinidad de los medios de comunicación en Venezuela con los sectores más antidemocráticos ha provocado que desde los inicios de esta década la seguridad de la Nación y la estabilidad de la democracia hayan estado en constante riesgo. Los medios se erigieron como líderes de la oposición y asumieron una estrategia de constante tergiversación y manipulación de las políticas públicas establecidas por el gobierno bolivariano en todos los ámbitos sociales, educativos y económicos, además de imponer una estricta censura que impidió la ... continua

Face to Face: the young people of Neve Shalom - Wahat al Salam

On a hill in Israel, between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, lies the village of Neve Shalom - Wahat al Salam, a community where Jews and Palestinians have decided to live together. They have chosen to deal with the conflict between their two peoples in a non-violent way. Today there are fifty families living in Neve Shalom - Wahat al Salam: half of them are Jewish and the other half are Palestinian.For the young people of Neve Shalom - Wahat al Salam, what does growing up together mean to them?Mariagrazia MoncadaDirector-editor, making freelance documentaries, corporate ... continua

NAKBA - Una caravana por los derechos del pueblo palestino

En Julio de 2005 una caravana para pedir por los derechos del pueblo palestino partió desde Estrasburgo, recorriendo parte de Europa occidental, los Balcanes y el Medio Oriente. Una familia palestina, habitante de un campo de refugiados de Damasco, relata parte de la historia de su pueblo.