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La vida en común

Un puma acecha Pueblo Nación Ranquel. Cazar es un rito de pasaje, y los chicos más grandes quieren matarlo. Pero Uriel decide tomar otro camino. La vida en común se filmó en una comunidad indígena de San Luis. El estado provincial construyó veinticuatro carpas de cemento en medio del desierto. Un campamento moderno al que se mudaron los ranqueles de las ciudades vecinas. Es el origen de una
comunidad, y de una escenografía que también es protagonista de la película.
Dirección | Regia | Director: Ezequiel Yanco
Guión | Sceneggiatura | Sceenplay: Ezequiel ... continua

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

Tom & Jerry 153 - O Solar Meow

Tom and Jerry is an American comedy slapstick cartoon series created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It centers on a rivalry between the title characters Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse. Many episodes also feature several recurring characters.


A piano teacher believes that her fiancé was killed on the battlefield. When he miraculously returns, they decide to marry, but are threatened by a wealthy, egotistical composer the piano teacher started dating on the rebound after she became convinced her love had died.

Covid-19: Testimonianze dal mondo - 47 PALESTINA (Ramallha)

Testimonianze dal mondo: Covid-19 è una rubrica realizzata dal gruppo di filmmaker Opponiamoci. Sono interviste e testimonianze realizzate nei cinque Continenti e avranno un pubblicazione quasi giornaliera sulla home page di Arcoiris.tv. In più le potrete ritrovare tutte insieme cliccando sul nuovo logo Opponiamoci Testimonianze dal mondo: Covid-19 che troverete fisso in home page. Parla Suad Amiry, architetta e scultrice

Woody Woodpecker Season13 Episode11 - Everglade Raid

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season10 Episode11 - Red Riding Hoodlum

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Resistencia Bacteriana en Salmonicultura 2019

¿QUÉ ES LA RESISTENCIA BACTERIANA? Es la capacidad que tienen las bacterias de sobrevivir a la acción de los antibióticos. Es un proceso natural pero que se ha visto potenciado con el abuso de estos medicamentos en la industria de producción animal y en el tratamiento de enfermedades en humanos. La Resistencia Bacteriana se puede esparcir rápidamente entre las bacterias, por lo que es una problemática que requiere acciones inmediatas para controlar su difusión.

Visita: chile.oceana.org

Tom & Jerry 007 - The Bowling Alley Cat

Tom and Jerry is an American comedy slapstick cartoon series created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It centers on a rivalry between the title characters Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse. Many episodes also feature several recurring characters.


La película recorre la vida de cuatro jóvenes de la Argentina de principios del siglo XX, Pedro Milesi, Mateo Fossa, Mika Etchebéhère y Liborio Justo, todos de diferente origen social: dos obreros, una estudiante de clase media, y el hijo del dictador Agustín P. Justo. Esa diversidad confluye en los movimientos culturales, feministas, sindicales y políticos inspirados en la revolución rusa de 1917.
Dirección | Regia | Director: Violeta Bruck y Javier Gabino
Guión | Sceneggiatura | Sceenplay: Violeta Bruck y Javier Gabino
Fotografía | Fotografia | Director ... continua

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

Yogi Bear 06 - Big brave bear

Yogi Bear is a cartoon character who has appeared in numerous comic books, animated television shows and films. He made his debut in 1958 as a supporting character in The Huckleberry Hound Show.
Yogi Bear was the first breakout character created by Hanna-Barbera and was eventually more popular than Huckleberry Hound. In January 1961, he was given his own show, The Yogi Bear Show, sponsored by Kellogg's, which included the segments Snagglepuss and Yakky Doodle. Hokey Wolf replaced his segment on The Huckleberry Hound Show. A musical animated feature film, Hey There, ... continua