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Hai cercato: +interview+a+Jacqueline+Philippe | Risultati: 36

PordenonePensa and Pordenone Blues Festival present: Norman Beaker concert-interview

La tradizionale formula del concerto intervista che vede da anni collaborare Pordenone Blues Festival e PordenonePensa ha visto sul palco della Biblioteca Civica di Pordenone Norman Beaker, un chitarrista blues che ha lavorato, in lunghi anni di carriera, con autentiche leggende della musica. Il bluesman britannico ha incantato il pubblico presente con la sua musica e gli aneddoti magnifici che gli è capitato di vivere sui palchi e negli studi di registrazione.
Con lui Mike Sponza, nella doppia veste di chitarrista e intervistatore d'eccezione, Michele Bonivento ... continua

Visita: www.pnpensa.it

Matteo Gracis interview

Intervista integrale a Matteo Gracis per il documentario SPECKTRUM.

Visita: www.specktrum.org

The Manster

An American reporter in Japan is sent to interview an eccentric Japanese scientist working on bizarre experiments in his mountain laboratory. When the doctor realizes that the hapless correspondent is the perfect subject for his next experiment, he drugs the unfortunate man and injects him with a serum that gradually transforms him into a hideous, two-headed monster.

Jean Ziegler, il faut détruire le capitalisme si on veut sauver la planète

Pour Jean Ziegler, il faut détruire le capitalisme si on veut sauver la planète. L'améliorer ou le réformer ne suffira jamais? L'interview dans son intégralité: https://bit.ly/2sDPiDJ Sociologue et politicien Suisse, membre du PS, ancien chargé de mission de la ONU

Riccardo Petrella - Extrait d'interview de POUR

"On fait la guerre parce que c'est rentable. Et vous n'aurez aucun dirigeant actuel du monde qui arrêtera la guerre". Extrait d'une interview de Riccardo Petrella par Michel Gevers et Jean-Claude Garot.

Mapuche - Beatriz Pichi Malen Interview

Mapuche - Beatriz Pichi Malen Interview

TF 2011 - Interview with Silke Helfrich

Silke Helfrich is a writer and commons advocate who has been involved in the field of development politics since the mid-1990s. She was the Director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation from 1996 to 1998. As Director of the foundation’s regional office in Mexico City from 1999 to 2007, she focused on globalization, gender and human rights. Helfrich engages with activists, academics, business people and politicians, especially in the Green Party, to explain the strategic value of talking about the commons. She travels throughout Europe meeting with leading theorists of ... continua

Visita: www.terrafutura.it

CB - Interview with Renato Cunha

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Renato Cunha, Grupo Ambientalista da Bahia (Gamba).

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Manana Kochladze

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Manana Kochladze, campaigner, Member of the Steering Committee Mid-term review of EIB’s 2007-2013 external mandate as NGO representative

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with María José Romero

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?María José Romero, Instituto del Tercer Mundo,Montevideo - Uruguay

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org