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CB - Interview with Lidy Nacpyl

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Lidy Nacpyl, International Coordinator of Jubilee South Network, Philippines

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Antony Foggartt

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Antony Foggartt, researcher

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Savior Mwambwa

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Testimonials of the plaintive ngo from Uganda in the case against the eib about bujagali:Savior Mwambwa, Centre for Trade Policy and Development, Zambia

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Frank Muramuzi

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Testimonials of the plaintive ngo from Uganda in the case against the eib about bujagali:Frank Muramuzi, National Association of Professional Environmentalists

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

Medico N.A.D.I.R.: Interview de Jacqueline Philippe

Les informations de N.A.Di.R.: interview a Jacqueline Philippe (ANSPS, BIRDHSO, Table-Saharaui Emilia Romagna) in relation a la Campagne internationale pour la libération de Aminatou Haidar et de tous les prisonniers politiques saharaouis. Réalisation: N.A.Di.R. Visitez le site: www.mediconadir.it

World Social Forum: Interview de Madame Traore

l'Afrique en marche. L'intellectuelle malienne résume les conséquences qu?à eu le Forum sur son continent. Visitez le site: www.forumsocialmundial.org.br

Interview with Carola Reintjes (WFTO)

Carola Reintjes is the European representative of the World Fair Trade Organisation. Participating in S.Maria RS, Brasil at the 1st World Forum for Solidarity Economy (Jan.22-24, 2010), she affirms that Fair trade is a live movement that not only is part of the solidarity economy, but is growing within it, or otherwise it would be a paternalistic exchange between two actors, one who sells and one who buys. The WFTO is working on a certification system for enterprises who respect the values of fair trade.

Interview with Dr. Rashad Zidan

In March 2006, Code Pink invited eight Women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists. The remarkable courage of these women and the autenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.

Interview with Faiza Al Araji

In March 2006, Code Pink invited eight Women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists. The remarkable courage of these women and the autenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.

112 - European Emergency number

Why 112?
As European citizens are increasingly travelling to other countries, for holidays, business or pleasure, there is a need for a single number, identical across the European Union (EU), to call in an emergency. Instead of having to remember several different numbers, citizens now need only one, wherever they go.
What happens when you call 112?
People calling 112 are connected to an operator. Depending on the national civil protection services, the operator will either deal with the request directly or transfer it to one of the emergency services(ambulance, ... continua