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Totale: 317

Sur - Un filme de Fernando Pino Solanas

Sur nos habla del reencuentro y de la amistad. Es el triunfo de la vida sobre la muerte, del amor sobre el rencor, de la libertad sobre la opresión, del deseo sobre el temor. Sur nos cuenta una historia de amor. Es el amor de la pareja y es también una historia de amor por un País. Es la historia de un regreso. Sur, es un homenaje a todos los que, como el personaje tartamudo, supieron decir NO. Fueron los que mantuvieron la dignidad. Ellos dijeron no a la injusticia, a la opresión, y a la entrega del País a manos de quienes no lo merecen.
  • Visualizzazioni: 8929
  • Lingua: SPAGNOLO | Licenza: Non commerciale - Non opere derivate - Licenza 3.0
  • Fonte: El Globo Feroz | Durata: 122.33 min | Pubblicato il: 09-11-2020
  • Totale: 317 filmati
  • Categoria: Lungometraggi
  • Scarica: MP3 | MP4 |
  • 1.7/5 (32 voti)
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Súper Engórdame

Documental del año 2004 en el que Morgan Spurlock investiga en su propio cuerpo los efectos de la comida chatarra, comiendo sólo y únicamente en McDonald’s, tres veces al día durante todo un mes, y acudiendo posteriormente al médico para hacerse análisis y evaluar sus resultados. Durante la realización del documental, Spurlock llegó a consumir un promedio de 5.000 calorías por día, el equivalente a más de 9 Big Mac.


Reports from the front-lines of the conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Israel/Palestine/North America and Europe.
Millions of fromeless people in South Africa fight for their right to a decent home and against the privatisation of water.
In Chiapas, indigenous people drive away the Mexican army from their land that is being sold out to the global market.
After the economic collapse in Argentina in December 2001, we see a population's upraising and its attempt to organise beyond state and market structures.
After a drastic liberalisation of the labour ... continua

Tango Bar

Gardel interpreta de manera impecable a un vocalista de cabaret joven y amable, llamado Ricardo, que se enamora de una deslumbrante y rubia bailarina (Rosita Moreno). Para salvar a la joven de un grupo de estafadores, Ricardo pone en riesgo su propia vida. El villano, interpretado por Enrique de Rosas, un funcionario de gobierno, era un "bandido" del tango en Sudamérica. A pesar de ser hablado en español y estar ambientado en Buenos Aires, Tango Bar fue rodado en los east coast studios de Paramount, en Astoria (Long Island, EE.UU). Musical de altísimo nivel. ... continua


È la storia di una famiglia milanese composta dai genitori, Lucia e Paolo, due figli studenti, Pietro e Odetta, e dalla serva Emilia. Queste persone conducono l'esistenza di una qualunque famiglia borghese fino a quando non vengono messe in crisi da un evento apparentemente innocuo eppure sconvolgente: l'arrivo di un ospite, un personaggio dai dati anagrafici quanto mai vaghi e allusivi. lmprovvisamente i cinque membri della famiglia sono conquistati dall'ospite misterioso; e questi non rifiuta di avere rapporti sessuali con ciascuno di essi. Allorquando egli se ne ... continua

The Best - un film di Andrea Baldini

This is the story of a man who has lost his way, one who, like many others, is trying to live his life in a dignified manner and who one day sees it radically changed before his very eyes. He undertakes a voyage of discovery to find what sense there is to life and the answers that he has never been able to find. Love, incomprehension, alcohol, prostitutes, violence and reflection. This is the story of a citizen of nowhere. This is, after all, the story of a man. To buy this video: newpollutionfilm@yahoo.fr

The Best Years of Our Lives

Three World War II veterans return home to small-town America to discover that they and their families have been irreparably changed

The Common Enemy - El Enemigo Común

"El Enemigo Común" scratches beneath the surface of neoliberalism, and some of the its most hidden atrocities in recent North American history. The film documents instances of paramilitary activity against indigenous communities in Oaxaca, Mexico from 2002 through 2005 while including scenes from an international human rights movement in 2003, in Miami against the Free Trade Area of the America?s, and in Cancun against the World Trade Organization. The three locations in isolation expose the disparity of North American resistances, but together bring us closer to ... continua

The Iron Mask

A swashbuckling Alexandre Dumas adventure featuring Douglas FairbanksKing Louis XIII of France is thrilled to have born to him a son - an heir to the throne. But when the queen delivers a twin, Cardinal Richelieu sees the second son as a potential for revolution, and has him sent off to Spain to be raised in secret to ensure a peaceful future for France. Alas, keeping the secret means sending Constance, lover of D'Artagnan, off to a convent. D'Artagnan hears of this and rallies the Musketeers in a bid to rescue her. Unfortunately, Richelieu out-smarts the ... continua