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Banning misleading labels in Europe

Food products will need to meet the requirements of nutrient profiles to bear nutrition and health claims. Nutrient profiles will be based on the content of nutrients such as fat, saturated fat, trans-fatty acids, salt and sugars, excessive intakes of which in the overall diet are not recommended. Nutrition claims can fail one criterion, i.e. if only one nutrient (salt, sugar or fat) exceeds the limit of the profile a claim can still be made. In such cases the high level of that particular nutrient must be clearly marked on the label, ... continua

Basque Dub Foundation

Basque Dub Foundation

Visita: www.rototom.com

Beenie Man

Moses Davis, meglio conosciuto come Beenie Man e’ uno dei deejay piu’ amati in assoluto negli ultimi anni in Jamaica e grazie ai suoi trionfi occupa gia’ una posizione di rilievo nella storia del reggae. E’ nato nel 1973 e alla fine degli anni settanta ha iniziato a frequentare le dancehall e gli studi di registrazione in tenerissima eta’: la leggenda vuole che arrivasse al microfono grazie ad una cassa di plastica per bottiglie di birra che gli veniva data come piedistallo. Durante gli anni ottanta questo bambino e’ molto familiare ai principali sound ... continua

Visita: www.rototom.com

Bennie Man @ Rototom Sunsplash 2012

Beenie Man es uno de los mayores artistas dancehall de toda la historia del reggae, gracias a su increíble mezcla de capacidad técnica e inventiva, que le han permitido crear siempre grandes proezas sobre todo tipo de ritmos.Nació en 1973 y ya a finales de los setenta empezó a frecuentar las dancehall y los estudios de grabación, a una tempranísima edad: era tan pequeño que necesitaba una caja de cervezas bajo sus pies para alcanzar el micrófono.Alcanzada la madurez con ya a sus espaldas un enorme bagaje de experiencia, tuvo una auténtica explosión creativa ... continua

Visita: www.rototomsunsplash.com

Visita: www.rototom.tv

Beres Hammond - Rototom Sunsplash 2012

Su voz inconfundible, su clase extraordinaria y su intenso modo de cantar temas universales que apasionan por igual a personas de las experiencias más diversas hacen de Beres Hammond uno de los cantantes más amados de Jamaica y aclamado en todo el mundo por los apasionados del reggae.Empezó jovencísimo cantando soul antes de convertirse en 1975 en el vocalista del grupo Zap Pow. Pasando por momentos duros y una estancia en Nueva York, Beres perseveró hasta conseguir en los años noventa y en el primer decenio de nuestro siglo una serie de magníficos grandes hits ... continua

Visita: www.rototomsunsplash.com

Visita: www.rototom.tv

Berlin Boom Orchestra

445 bands da tutta europa, votate su internet per oltre un mese. Un sito costruito apposta, www.reggaecontest.eu. Dieci gruppi finalisti che si sono affrontati in due giornate sul palco principale del Rototom Sunsplash. Un tour europeo per il vincitore, tra Slovenia, Svizzera, Repubblica Ceca, Belgio, Germania, Francia, Danimarca, Polonia Spagna ed Austria.

Visita: www.rototom.com

Better and Cleaner Urban Transport for Europe

In Europe, a car clocks up 75% of its mileage in a urban environment. Theresult? An explosive cocktail of congestion and pollution.Time wasted in traffic jams could soon be costing the European Union 1% ofits gross domestic product.Urban traffic is responsible for 40% of CO2 emissions generated by roadtransport and 9 in every 10 Europeans are exposed to harmful particleemissions that are higher than the tolerated threshold.
Jacques Barrot, European Commission Vice-President in charge of transportYves Baesen, Lille Métropole, Studies and ... continua

Better information for better eating habits

The rules that govern nutrition labelling have already been in force for over a decade. In general nutrition labelling is included on a voluntary basis so the inclusion on most products depends on the goodwill of the agri-and-food industry. When nutrition labelling can be found, it may be difficult to find since it can be in small or very small print. Moreover, the type of labelling varies from one product to the next and from one country to the other. As a result, when filling their shopping carts, few European consumers take the time to ... continua

Better tools for better Medicines. The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)

The European Commission and the pharmaceutical industry are entering into a pan-European strategic alliance to fund research in the health sector and accelerate the discovery and development of innovative medicines. This collaboration will bring together stakeholders on all levels to share knowledge and results. The benefits for patients will be significant, as it will further contribute to removing bottlenecks in the drug development process, thus providing patients with better medicines, faster. The boost in competitiveness could also be significant as resources for ... continua

Biennale Arte 2019 a Venezia.

Un giorno a Venezia tra Biennale Arte 2019 e gondole...