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Joyless street

Vienna in the biggest depression, directly after WW1. In a slum, Lila Leid (Tamara Geva), the wife of lawyer Leid (Alexander Murski) is murdered, Egon, secretary of one of Leid's clients is arrested. He was with her, and had her necklace, because he needed some money for his own stock exchange deals. The same deal brings poverty to ex-government official Rumfort (Jaro Fürth), his daughter Greta (Greta Garbo), who also has lost her job, tries to prostituting herself to get some money and food.
Joyless Street (, 1925, exhibited in the U.S. as The Street of Sorrow, in ... continua

Woody Woodpecker Season06 Episode01 - Andy Panda Goes Fishing

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season06 Episode02 - The Poet and Peasant

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Giorgio Manzi: Una storia speciale: capire e raccontare l'evoluzione umana

Giorgio Manzi - Professore di antropologia, Università "La Sapienza", Socio Onorario CICAP: "Una storia speciale: capire e raccontare l'evoluzione umana". Modera: Piero Bianucci, giornalista scientifico, socio onorario CICAP. CICAP - FEST 2018 Auditorium Orto Botanico, Padova 15/09/2018

Visita: www.cicap.org

Andrea Grignolio - OGM e sperimentazione animale

Insegna Storia della Medicina all'Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza e svolge ricerche sulla storia della vaccinazione all'Université François Rabelais di Tours. Formatosi presso l'Ecole Normale Supérieure di Parigi, la Boston University e la University of California, si interessa di divulgazione scientifica e scrive su La Repubblica e La Stampa. E' autore del libro "Chi ha paura dei vaccini?" (Codice Edizioni, Maggio 2016)

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Alexis Kavokine - Luce Liquida

Docente ordinario di Fisica e Fotonica presso l'Università di Southampton e Direttore di Ricerca presso il CNR- SPIN. La sua attività di ricerca riguarda la Fisica della Nanoparticelle, concentrandosi in particolare sui Quanti polaritonici. Ha conseguito numerosi riconoscimenti, tra cui la presidenza del programma di Eccellenza Marie Curie in Polaritonica dell'Università degli Studi Tor Vergata e due titoli di laurea honoris causa.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

El Porqué de las Noticias: Suicidio de Alan García. Más sanciones contra Cuba. Presos palestinos.

¿Por qué se suicida el expresidente peruano Alan García? ¿Por qué EE.UU. aplica nuevas sanciones contra Cuba? ¿Por qué la detención a palestinos se convierte en estrategia israelí para su expansionismo?
Conozca junto a HISPANTV cómo, cuándo y dónde sucedieron los hechos. Los invitados dialogan con Jaime Yoan Batista para ir más allá de las noticias.
? El expresidente peruano, Alan García, se suicidó con un tiro en la cabeza. De esta manera evitó ser enjuiciado por cargos de corrupción. Alan García fue presidente de Perú por dos periodos, de 1985 ... continua

Behind the screen

The film takes place in a movie studio. A stagehand named David (Chaplin) has a supervisor, Goliath (Campbell). Much of the film is slapstick comedy involving Chaplin manhandling large props, but other plotlines include a strike action by the stagehands, and Purviance, who is unable to become an actress, dressing as a man and becoming a stagehand. Image:Kissing a girl.

Meet John Doe

Meet John Doe is a 1941 in film United States comedy film drama film film directed and produced by Frank Capra, and starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. The film is about a "grassroots" political campaign created unwittingly by a newspaper columnist and pursued by a wealthy businessman. It became a box office hit and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Story. Though the film is less well known than other Frank Capra classics, it remains highly regarded today. It was ranked #49 in AFI's 100 Years... 100 Cheers. In 1969, the film entered the List of films ... continua

The rage of Paris

The rage of Paris is a 1938 in film Cinema of the United States comedy film made by Universal Pictures. The movie was directed by Henry Koster, and written by Bruce Manning and Felix Jackson. It won the Venice Film Festival for Special Recommendation.