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Crisis alimentaria en Venezuela

¿Los venezolanos se mueren de hambre? ¿Estados Unidos quiere matar de hambre a los venezolanos?

Visita: www.surysur.net

Bosko shipwrecked

In 1927, Harman and Ising were still working for the Walt Disney Studios on a series of live-action/animated short subjects known as the Alice Comedies. The two animators created Bosko in 1927 to capitalize on the new "talkie" craze that was sweeping the motion picture industry. They began thinking about making a sound cartoon with Bosko in 1927, before even leaving Walt Disney. Hugh Harman made drawings of the new character and registered it with the copyright office on 3 January 1928. The character was registered as a "Negro boy" under the name of Bosko

La segunda esposa

Esta película cuenta una realidad social derivada de la vida moderna, la infidelidad. Se trata de un matrimonio joven, Sepideh y Ata, y el hijo menor que tienen en común, Samir.
En este joven matrimonio, debido a las diferencias y desacuerdos que tienen, en cuanto a sus interpretaciones respectivas de la vida, los objetivos y cómo llevar las relaciones familiares, poco a poco surge la separación emocional y la pérdida de los vínculos sentimentales.
Y también cuenta la influencia de la sociedad y las personas que les rodean, en cómo orientar el rumbo de su ... continua

Tom & Jerry 071 - Cruise cat

Tom and Jerry is an American comedy slapstick cartoon series created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It centers on a rivalry between the title characters Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse. Many episodes also feature several recurring characters

L'Ergastolo e il 41-bis sono un casino da risolvere

FONTI E LINK INTERESSANTI Come funziona l'ergastolo? (LEGGE PER TUTTI): https://bit.ly/31p9yvx Storia dell'ergastolo ostativo (ALTALEX): https://bit.ly/2YzjQqQ Il problema dell'ergastolo ostativo (MONEY): https://bit.ly/3lvu7OW Un carcere norvegese (IL POST): https://bit.ly/2D4W12S

Marco Sarà - Complessità VS Semplicità: chi userà per primo il rasoio di Ockham?

Marco Sarà: Neurofisiologo IRCCS San Raffaele- Pisana, Roma. Nel 2008 Marco Sarà ha introdotto l'utilizzo dell'analisi non lineare nella diagnostica differenziale dei Disordini della Coscienza, usando come riferimento il concetto di complessità. Negli ultimi anni si sta occupando della verosimiglianza delle analogie mente/computer e del rapporto complessità/semplicità, temi che affronterà in questa occasione.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Congo jazz

In 1927, Harman and Ising were still working for the Walt Disney Studios on a series of live-action/animated short subjects known as the Alice Comedies. The two animators created Bosko in 1927 to capitalize on the new "talkie" craze that was sweeping the motion picture industry. They began thinking about making a sound cartoon with Bosko in 1927, before even leaving Walt Disney. Hugh Harman made drawings of the new character and registered it with the copyright office on 3 January 1928. The character was registered as a "Negro boy" under the name of Bosko


El sonido del organillo conduce a un viaje nostálgico por las calles y el tiempo del Santiago antiguo. Organilleros de la familia Lizama cuentan su amor al oficio y muestran en detalle el fino trabajo de restauración para mantener funcionado organillos que llegaron hace más de un siglo. Dirección: Pedro Chaskel Fotografía: Julia Muñoz Sonido: Claudio Valdez, Pablo Pinto Investigación: Claudio Valdez / © Sur Imagen - Francisco Gedda 1996

Visita: www.alsurdelmundo.cl

Tom & Jerry 033 - The Invisible Mouse

Tom and Jerry is an American comedy slapstick cartoon series created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It centers on a rivalry between the title characters Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse. Many episodes also feature several recurring characters.

Basta articoli spazzatura!!!

Siamo bombardati ogni giorno da articoli che sembrano descrivere una ricerca scientifica ma che non valgono nulla. Sono spazzatura. Come difenderci? Questo video l'ho registrato tempo fa al Food&Science Festival di Mantova. Se lo rifacessi adesso avrei solo l'imbarazzo della scelta.