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El Último galope

Historia ambientada en el ejército chileno, y que narra una historia de amor entre un hombre casado con una muchacha de un pequeño pueblo.
Sobre la Obra:
Una curiosa película chilena realizada con muy pocos recursos en un periodo difícil en la producción fílmica nacional. Según el investigador Julio López Navarro, la película iba a ser originalmente dirigida por Enrique Soto Toro, fotógrafo en películas como "15.000 dibujos" y "Memorias de un chofer de taxi", pero habría abandonado el proyecto por problemas de salud. El director acabaría siendo Luis ... continua

Visita: www.cinetecavirtual.cl


autoproduzione audio/video music : basso elettrico + Renoise video : VSE Blender Quest' opera è distribuita con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0

Covid-19: Testimonianze dal mondo - 24 ITALIA (Lipari)

Testimonianze dal mondo: Covid-19 è una rubrica realizzata dal gruppo di filmmaker Opponiamoci. Sono interviste e testimonianze realizzate nei cinque Continenti e avranno un pubblicazione quasi giornaliera sulla home page di Arcoiris.tv. In più le potrete ritrovare tutte insieme cliccando sul nuovo logo Opponiamoci Testimonianze dal mondo: Covid-19 che troverete fisso in home page. Parla Cristina Roccella, Unicef intervistata da Elena Caronia

Crack of doom

The Lone Ranger is the central character of an American animated television series that ran 26 episodes on CBS from September 10, 1966, to September 6, 1969. The series was produced by Herb Klynn and Jules Engel of Format Films, Hollywood, and designed and made at the Halas and Batchelor Cartoon Film studios in London, England & Artransa Park Studios in Australia

Sea no evil

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Bosko and Bruno

In 1927, Harman and Ising were still working for the Walt Disney Studios on a series of live-action/animated short subjects known as the Alice Comedies. The two animators created Bosko in 1927 to capitalize on the new "talkie" craze that was sweeping the motion picture industry. They began thinking about making a sound cartoon with Bosko in 1927, before even leaving Walt Disney. Hugh Harman made drawings of the new character and registered it with the copyright office on 3 January 1928. The character was registered as a "Negro boy" under the name of Bosko

Mujeres de cristal

Una productora y presentadora de televisión conoce a una serie de mujeres que han vivido historias singulares. Después de entrevistarlas individualmente en su programa de televisión decide proponer reunirlas en una experiencia a modo de "reality". La singular experiencia no es refrendada por la cadena de televisión. Cinco vivencias reales de mujeres valientes que han sabido sobreponerse a los retos de la vida impresionan a otras mujeres que dan vida a otras realidades de ficción.
Dirección | Regia | Director: Eliseo De Pablos
Guion | Sceneggiatura | Sceenplay: ... continua

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

El duro negocio de la ópera

Son las estrellas del mundo de la ópera: Anna Netrebko, Cecilia Bartoli, Jonas Kaufmann, Rolando Villazón. Todos comenzaron desde abajo y tuvieron una dura competencia. ¿Cómo lograron dar el gran salto a los escenarios internacionales?
¿Cómo se llega a ser una estrella de la ópera? ¿Por qué algunas personas lo logran y otras no? Este documental explora estas preguntas y presenta a varios cantantes en distintas etapas de sus carreras, así como a directores de teatro, directores de orquesta y directores artísticos. La voz ya no es suficiente para tener ... continua

A fool there was

A fool there was (1915) is an American silent film drama film, produced by William Fox (producer), and starring Theda Bara. The film was long considered controversial for such risqué intertitle cards as "Kiss me, my fool!" Although A Fool There Was never received a public showing in Great Britain, later Theda Bara films were allowed.
Though the film contains scenes set in England and Italy, the entire movie was filmed in St. Augustine, Florida.
This is one of the few Theda Bara films in existence. The others are: The Unchastened Woman (1925), The Stain (film) ... continua

Ho incontrato la piazza dei negazionisti del Covid