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Joyless street

Vienna in the biggest depression, directly after WW1. In a slum, Lila Leid (Tamara Geva), the wife of lawyer Leid (Alexander Murski) is murdered, Egon, secretary of one of Leid's clients is arrested. He was with her, and had her necklace, because he needed some money for his own stock exchange deals. The same deal brings poverty to ex-government official Rumfort (Jaro Fürth), his daughter Greta (Greta Garbo), who also has lost her job, tries to prostituting herself to get some money and food.
Joyless Street (, 1925, exhibited in the U.S. as The Street of Sorrow, in ... continua

Manhattan tower

Manhattan tower is a 1932 film directed by Frank R. Strayer starring Mary Brian and James Hall (actor). Manhattan Tower is currently available via the Internet Archive.

The Adventurer

Charlie Chaplin's 62nd Film
The Adventurer is a short comedy film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin. It is the last out of the twelve films made while he was under contract for the Mutual Film Corportation.
Chaplin plays an escaped convict on the run from prison guards. He falls into favor with a wealthy family after he saves a young lady (Edna Purviance) from drowning, but her suitor (Eric Campbell) does everything he can to have Chaplin apprehended by the officials.
The film also stars Henry Bergman, and Albert Austin, and marked the final film of his ... continua

Ossigeno su Marte: un indizio dell'esistenza di vita sul pianeta?

#astrocaffè #marte #ossigeno

Visita: www.patreon.com

Nuovo Dpcm: è in arrivo un nuovo lockdown?

#Dpcm #Lockdown #Conte

Visita: www.breakingitaly.club

Racconti in sala d'attesa

Racconti in sala d'attesa, Autori Vari, a cura di Cristina Zagaria, Caracò Editore, p. (17,50 euro) anche in ebook
Ci sono luoghi dove l'attesa non ha la faccia innocua della noia. Dove non si galleggia in sospensione per poter poi tornare a marciare dentro la propria vita e le proprie cose, perché quelle attese sono la chiave decisiva per la qualità del "poi". Ecco perché li chiamano, ci chiamano "pazienti" perché dobbiamo imparare ad addomesticare le attese. Questa è una raccolta di racconti pensata per tutte le persone che devono fare i conti con una visita ... continua

Carlo Alberto Brunori - La Terra si fa i selfie

La Terra si fa i selfie: misurare, dallo spazio, come e quanto la superficie terrestre si muove. Terremoti e non solo
Carlo Alberto Brunori: Geologo, Tecnologo INGV.
La superficie terrestre si muove, da pochi millimetri ogni anno fino ad alcuni metri in pochi secondi, modificando altezze, forma dei continenti e profondità degli oceani. Le pianure e le montagne cambiano le loro fisionomie in continuazione. Negli ultimi venti anni a Colfiorito di Foligno, a L'Aquila, in Pianura Padana e nel centro Italia, gli eventi sismici hanno cambiato l'aspetto del paesaggio. ... continua

Enfoque - España: el futuro del empleo juvenil

Conseguir un empleo indefinido en España sigue siendo un asunto poco probable para quienes tienen menos de 30 años.
Esta conclusión se desprende de las estadísticas que ofrece el Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal, en las que se observa claramente cómo los jóvenes son el colectivo que menos contratos indefinidos formalizan: apenas un 7,8% durante 2016.
Aunque desde el Gobierno español se insiste en que lo peor de la crisis ha pasado, lo cierto es que el acceso al empleo indefinido no acaba de materializarse ampliamente para la mayoría de los ... continua

Fog Island

Leo, a former convict, is living in seclusion on an island with his step-daughter, the daughter of his late wife. Leo was framed by a group of former business associates, and he also suspects that one of them killed his wife. He has invited the group to his island, tempting them by hinting about a hidden fortune, and he has installed a number of traps and secret passages in his home. He is aided in his efforts by a former cell-mate who holds a grudge against the same persons. When everyone arrives, the atmosphere of mutual suspicion and the thick fog that covers the ... continua

Chile: el fraude constitucional

NUESTRAS VOCES.- La casta política pretende imponer una farsa plebiscitaria el próximo 25 de octubre. Por eso es necesario necesario desmontar el engaño, señala Radio de la Dignidad. De nosotros depende que no nos arrebaten lo logrado hasta ahora y seguir avanzando hacia una verdadera Asamblea Constituyente libre, soberana y originaria que funde un nuevo Chile, señalan.

Visita: www.surysur.net