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Arizona Days

1937 - Genre: Western Directed by: John English Writing credits: Lindsley Parsons, Sherman L. Lowe Tex and sidekick Grass join McGill's traveling show. When Price has McGill's wagons burned, Tex becomes the county tax collector to earn money. This leads to trouble as one of those owing money is Price who says he will not pay. Complete credited cast: Tex Ritter Syd Saylor William Faversham Eleanor Stewart Forrest Taylor 'Snub' Pollard Glenn Strange Horace Murphy Earl Dwire Budd Buster Salty Holmes Oscar Gahan Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Arizona Stage Coach

1942 - Genre: Western
Directed by: S. Roy Luby
Writing credits: Oliver Drake, Arthur Hoerl
In the midst of some friendly horseplay on their -Flying R- ranch, the Range Busters, Crash Corrigan (Ray Corrigan), Dusty King (John King) and Alibi Terhune (Max Terhune), are sobered by the arrival of a buckboard bearing their old friend Larry Meadows (Forrest Taylor) and his niece Dorrie Willard (Nell O'Day). Meadows seeks their aid against a gang of outlaws terrorizing his town. Ernie Willard (Riley Hill as Roy Harris), Dorrie's brother, has been taken in by Tex Laughlin ... continua

Armi Letali

A San Francisco, l'esperto di Kung Fu Eric Lee sconfigge i suoi nemici di Chinatown.

Assignment Outer Space

1960 - Genre: Sci-Fi
Directed by: Antonio Margheriti
Writing credits: Ennio De Concini, Jack Wallace
In the 21st century Ray Peterson, reporter for the Interplanetary News, is assigned to write a story aboard a space station. Tension mounts between Peterson and the station commander, who believes he is in the way, but has orders to leave him alone. Errant spaceship Alpha Two enters the solar system and its photon generators are radiating enough heat to destroy Earth as it approaches. It falls to Peterson to try to figure out a way to enter the spaceship, disarm the ... continua

Así se pierden los genios del futuro, educación

De cómo castran las mentalidades en las escuelas a lo inquietos y preguntones De cómo moldean a los estudiantes para que no piensen, no reflexionen

Atom Age Vampire

1960 - Genre: Horror
Directed by: Anton Giulio Majano
Writing credits: Alberto Bevilacqua, Gino De Santis
A stripper is horribly disfigured in a car accident. A brilliant scientist develops a treatment that restores her beauty and falls in love with her. To preserve her appearance the doctor must give her additional treatments using glands taken from murdered women. His unexplained ability to turn into a hideous monster helps with this problem but does nothing to win her love. The doctor's woes multiply as the police and the girl's boyfriend begin to close in on ... continua

Attack of the Monsters

1969 - Genre: Family / Sci-Fi
Directed by: Noriaki Yuasa
Writing credits: Nisan Takahashi
Three children, two boys and a girl, stumble upon a flying saucer. The boys both step in without hesitating, and are whisked away to a planet in Earth's orbit but on the exact opposite side of the Sun. Inhabiting this planet are two women with Midwestern accents, who hypnotize the children to find they fantasize about milk, donuts, and Gamera, our favorite hero turtle. The women simply want to eat their brains. Back home, no one will believe the little girl's story of alien ... continua

Aurora di Pace

I bambini del I Circolo Didattico di San Vito dei Normanni (BR) mettono in mare le loro barchette di carta... cariche di sogni e speranze per la Pace! Ins. Referenti: Angela Galeone e Gianfranco Molfetta Info: www.lascuoladipace.org

Ausmerzen vite indegne di essere vissute

Tra il '39 e il '41 nella Germania Nazista, prima di altri, vennero uccisi decine di migliaia di tedeschi: erano bambini e persone adulte disabili o malati di mente, vite "indegne di essere vissute". Aktion T4 (dall'indirizzo della sede operativa della struttura a Berlino, Tiergartenstrasse 4), il nome più noto per una vicenda poco conosciuta e letteralmente insabbiata per decenni dopo la guerra, è la realizzazione, drammaticamente efficiente, di un progetto di eliminazione del "diverso" e dell'"inutile". Progetto segreto e ideato da pochi, ma nei fatti realizzato ... continua
  • Visualizzazioni: 1300
  • Lingua: ITALIANO | Sottotitoli: INGLESE | Licenza: Non commerciale - Non opere derivate - Licenza 3.0
  • Fonte: Paolini Marco | Durata: 116.62 min | Pubblicato il: 11-06-2021
  • Totale: 241 filmati
  • Categoria: Teatro - Danza
  • Scarica: MP3 | MP4 |
  • 1.6/5 (67 voti)
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Avian flu: EU prevention bears fruit

Several measures to prevent, detect or contain the H5N1 virus in the EU have managed to stop the virus from spreading up to now. The future evolution of the situation is difficult to foresee because the H5N1 virus is stillpresent in many countries, for example in Asia. The European Commission and the Member States constantly review the state of the disease outbreaks inthe world and adapt the surveillance and the control measures accordingly.We have visited a Hungarian farm which was the departure point for an outbreak of avian flu that spread to 28 other Hungarian ... continua