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Prendere una decisione - Streetphilosophy

La vita è un insieme di decisioni da prendere, ma al tempo stesso si può continuare a vivere senza decidere alcunché. Su cosa ci si basa per operare una scelta? Istinto? Raziocinio? Quand'è che una decisione è davvero libera da giudizi esterni? Cosa sono le transformative decisions, ad esempio cambiare sesso? In questa puntata Ronja affronta la questione con un allenatore di calcio, una psicologa e un'astrologa.

Mr. Reckless

Mr. Reckless is a 1948 American film directed by Frank McDonald

The sentimental bloke

The sentimental bloke (1919) is an Australian silent film based on the 1915 poem The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke by C.J. Dennis. It is generally considered the greatest Australian silent film, and one of the best Australian movies of all time.
It took a while for the film to be released as Australasian Films used to screen the movie in the Union Theatre chain. However it was seen by E.J. Carroll who decided to distribute it in Australia and overseas.
The Sentimental Bloke uses intertitles taken from the original poem written in Australian words and was a hit when ... continua

The three musketeers

The three musketeers is a 1921 American silent film based on the novel The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, père. It was directed by Fred Niblo and starred Douglas Fairbanks as d'Artagnan. The film originally had scenes filmed in the Handschiegl Color Process (billed as the "Wyckoff-DeMille Process"). The film had a sequel, The Iron Mask (1929), also starring Fairbanks as d'Artagnan and DeBrulier as Cardinal Richelieu.
The athletic Douglas Fairbanks's one-handed handspring to grab a sword during a fight scene in this film is considered as one of the great stunts ... continua

It's A Joke, Son

The first Eagle-Lion film stars Kenny Delmar as Senator Beauregard Claghorn, his "Allen's Alley" resident-character heard on Fred Allen's radio program. Claghorn was a blustery, one-man-Chamber-of-Commerce for all things Southern, who had no tolerence for anything north of the Mason-Dixon line, although he made allowances for South Philly. The character inspired the creation of one of the most popular of the Warners' cartoon characters, Foghorn Leghorn, who re-worked most of the originals material and style. The title of this movie is a stock line- "it's a joke, ... continua

Frances Arnold: Una nueva química

Química estadounidense, pionera en el método de evolución enzimática dirigida, que ha utilizado para crear enzimas de uso en energía alternativa, productos químicos y medicina.
Estudió Ingeniería Mecánica y Aeroespacial en la Universidad de Princeton y realizó un doctorado en Ingeniería Química en la Universidad de California. Formó una compañía para la producción de combustibles renovables “Gevo” y “Provivi”, en donde desarrolló modos no tóxicos de control de peste para la agricultura.
Actualmente es parte del Instituto de Tecnología de ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Corto Latino - Pablo 'el Gringo', el montonero asesinado

En este tercer programa de 'Corto Latino' viajamos hasta Argentina, para recordar un hecho histórico ocurrido poco antes de llegar la dictadura militar a este país.
Se trata de la historia de un montonero, Pablo "el Gringo", un joven belga que murió asesinado por los militares. Trabajó junto al grupo armado durante años, siendo uno de sus líderes.
El director de este documental, Sam Verhaert (también belga), trata la historia de este personaje a través de los recuerdos de dos mujeres: Lila, compañera de lucha del militante, y María, la que fuera novia de ... continua

Libano: un paese in caduta libera

In Libano, la catastrofe umanitaria provocata dall'esplosione del 4 agosto 2020, nei pressi del porto di Beirut, ha peggiorato lo stato di salute di un paese già minato dalla crisi economica e dalla corruzione di un potere legato a doppio filo ai gruppi religiosi. I giovani, in particolare, non possono più eludere un dilemma fondamentale: restare e lottare per il cambiamento, oppure emigrare.
  • Visualizzazioni: 510
  • Lingua: TEDESCO | Sottotitoli: ITALIANO | Licenza: Non commerciale - Non opere derivate - Licenza 3.0
  • Fonte: paese in caduta libera | Durata: 32.22 min | Pubblicato il: 09-11-2020
  • Totale: 233 filmati
  • Categoria: Arte
  • Scarica: MP3 | MP4 | alta risoluzione
  • 1.8/5 (45 voti)
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The Saint Louis bank robbery

The Great St. Louis bank robbery (also called The St. Louis bank robbery, the film title in the opening credits) is a 1959 Big caper movie shot in black and white. The film stars Steve McQueen as a college dropout hired to be the crime scene getaway in a bank robbery. The film is based on a 1953 bank robbery attempt of Southwest Bank in St. Louis. The film was shot on location in St. Louis, Missouri in 1958 with some of the men and women from the St. Louis Police Department, as well as local residents and bank employees, play the same parts they did in the actual ... continua

Manhattan love song

A couple rich sisters Geraldine and Carol Stewart (Dixie Lee and Helen Flint) have just found out that their financial planner has stolen all their money. Unable to pay a couple (Nydia Westman and Robert Armstrong) of their servants their back wages, they agree to let the pair stay in their home rent-free to make up for this pay. But, it is a bit rough at first, as these two society swells expect their old servants to behave like servants--but considering they're no longer paying them, this doesn't last.