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Cooperation that Counts: Helping the World by Preserving Biodiversity

We're in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Contrary to appearances, these men are not soldiers... They are forest rangers from the ICCN, the Congolese Institute of Nature Conservation. Their job? To fight against poaching and protect the biodiversity of the Virunga National Park.
Samy Mankoto, President, Central Africa Protected Areas NetworkNorbert Mushenzi, Conservationist, Virunga National ParkCarlo De Filippi, Head of European Commission Delegation - Democratic Republic of CongoNorbert Mushenzi, Conservationist, Virunga National ... continua

Cooperation that Counts: Innovative Approaches to AIDS Prevention

Ouagadougou. It's 7 am. 30° Celsius. For several hours now, motor bikes have been buzzing along the main roads into the capital of Burkina Faso. This is a place you need to be mobile and show that you're able to get around. Something the European Union well understood when it chose to finance the NGO Medecins du Monde or Doctors of the World. The funding is part of a vast programme of AIDS prevention which includes European AIDS-INNOVATION projects. Here in Burkina Faso, Medecins du Monde has made mobility the central theme of its AIDS prevention ... continua

Coping in a Crisis - Europe's Civil Protection Mechanism

We live in a unpredictable world where disaster can strike at any time. Catastrophes can be natural, like the South Asia Tsunami that left over 300,000 people dead in 2004.
Or they can be made, like the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah fighters, which caused huge suffering and damage particularly in Lebanon.
But wathever the cause, getting help to victims is always a race against time. The aid and assistance that arrives in a disaster zone in te first hours and days is vital. It can make the difference between a catastrophe being brought under control or ... continua

Copyleft festival 2008 - ''Beni comuni''

Copyleft festival 2008"be right, copyleft"Tavola Rotonda: "Beni comuni: dai farmaci all'acqua, passando per le opere dell'igegno umano: i patrimoni comuni dell'umanità messi a rischio dall'economia di mercato" con Philippe Aigrain, Alesandro Volpi, Vincenzo Striano; modera Francesco Romizi

Visita: www.copyleftfestival.net

Corso di "Storia e sistemi della musica popular"

LEZIONE N°4 seconda parteFacoltà di Musicologia di Parma,continuo lezione Andrea Silenzi. Anni ’70 filoni estetico musicali: 4) progressive; 5) Punk (Sex Pistols, Clash); 6) New Wave.Guarda la terza parte

Visita: www.italiawave.com

Corso di "Storia e sistemi della musica popular"

LEZIONE N°4 terza parteFacoltà di Musicologia di Parma,continuo lezione di Andrea Silenzi: continuo della storia del New Wave, No Wave. Fenomeno della Restaurazione (ritorno alla tradizione rock). Metà anni ’80 (grunge, brit pop, rawe). Anni ’90 (avvento tv e internet).Guarda la quarta parte

Visita: www.italiawave.com

Corteo NO PONTE a Messina

Corteo NO PONTE a Messina del 2 ottobre 2010

Costing the Earth: the Treath to Europe's Soils

Arnold Hertlog and his wife Huguette have always loved tending their garden in the small Flemish town of Saint Armands, far from Brussels. But the garden hasn't looked like this.In 1998 the couple were told that their home - along with more than hundred neighbouring houses - was sitting on an environmental time bomb. It was discovered that the earth was contaminated with poisonous compounds including arsenic and mercury.
Interviews:Huguette Hertog, Saint Amands resident Arnold Hertlog, Saint Amands resident Victor Dries, OVAM-Flemish Public Waste AgencyStavros Dimas, ... continua

Counter Balance, european piarlament meeting

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank.19th November 2009, Brussels, european parliament

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org