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Categoria: Informaciones (217)

Categoria: Informaciones

Totale: 217

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 001

El Noticiero Latino Americano - V Edición
Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia.
Desde hace siglos el contacto entre Africa y Genova es fluido y continuo? quizà, porque como dice el viejo proverbio del Burundi, "lo que el corazòn desea ardentemente pone en movimento las piernas". En los ultimos 20 anos la inmigraciòn del continente negro hacia la Liguria se ha intensificado y ha creado nuevos y fuertes vinculos...
Es por ello que con un convenio multitematico se ha querido dar un vistazo màs profondo a este ... continua

A World that Speaks Different

Video with information about the nowadays economic system: through the experience and the stories told by the protagonists of an Italian event about the even economy of a State. Economy that allows a better use of our environment and of sustainable development.Visit the site: www.contemporaryartaddiction.org Mail to: redazione@contemporaryartaddiction.org

Flu Pandemic: EU getting ready for global response

Several measures to prevent, detect or contain the H5N1 virus in the EU have managed to stop the virus from spreading up to now. The future evolution of the situation is difficult to foresee because the H5N1 virus is still present in many countries, for example in Asia. The European Commission and the Member States constantly review the state of the disease outbreaks in the world and adapt the surveillance and the control measures accordingly.We have visited a Hungarian farm which was the departure point for an outbreak of avian flu that spread to 28 other Hungarian ... continua

SIDA : nouvelles pistes de traitements et de vaccins

Ce 1er décembre 2006, verra la XIX ième édition de la Journée Mondiale contre le Sida. Des données alarmantes montrent que dans certains pays, le taux des infections, autrefois stable ou en déclin, est en hausse. Selon les sources de UNAIDS, en 2006, plus de 4 millions de nouvelles personnes ont été infectées. Rien qu'en Europe centrale et orientale, plus de 740 000 individus vivent avec la maladie. La recherche sur le terrible virus s'intensifie. En Europe aussi, et, notamment, avec le soutien des institutions européennes, de nombreux laboratoires ... continua

AIDS: New leads for treatments and vaccines

Today, 1st December 2006, is the nineteenth World Aids Day. Some alarming data shows that in certain countries the rate of infections, which in the past were stable or in decline, are now increasing. According to sources at UNAIDS, in 2006 more than 4 million new people have been infected. In Central and Eastern Europe alone more than 740,000 individuals live with the disease. Research on this terrible virus intensifies. In Europe, and notably with the support of the European institutions, numerous laboratories test new treatments and vaccines. Carmen, 25 years ... continua

Boys Beware

1961 - Drama / Short Young Jimmy accepts a ride home from a friendly stranger, Ralph. Jimmy likes Ralph. Ralph likes Jimmy. Ralph REALLY likes Jimmy. Ralph likes Jimmy so much he persuades Jimmy to go to a motel with him. In the motel room, Jimmy decides he doesn't like Ralph THAT much. Ralph has other ideas. Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Déjenme vivir

¿Sabías que, cada año, más de 400 millones de animales, sí 400 000 000 de animales, como estos, son asesinados por la industria del curtido de pieles?
¿Sabías que la mayor parte de estos animales son criados y mantenidos en cautiverio en condiciones terribles? Y otros son recluidos brutalmente en la espera de una muerte lenta y atroz?
¿Sabías que los principales sistemas de muerte son por asfixia, descarga eléctrica a los genitales, ruptura del cuello e injección de veneno?
¿Y sabías también que muchos de ... continua


1965 - Western A babysitting uncle tells his charges three horror stories--about a killer witch, Little Red Riding Hood and a werewolf, and a story about -Goldi Lox- and the three bears. Directed by:James Landis Writing credits:Arch Hall Sr. Complete credited cast: Arch Hall Jr. Jack LesterLa Donna CottierArch Hall Sr.Liz Renay Robert DixRichard CowlJonny BryantDavid ReedGordon SchwenkRay ZacharyBarbara MooreHal BizzyRead MorganRex Marlow Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Avian flu: EU prevention bears fruit

Several measures to prevent, detect or contain the H5N1 virus in the EU have managed to stop the virus from spreading up to now. The future evolution of the situation is difficult to foresee because the H5N1 virus is stillpresent in many countries, for example in Asia. The European Commission and the Member States constantly review the state of the disease outbreaks inthe world and adapt the surveillance and the control measures accordingly.We have visited a Hungarian farm which was the departure point for an outbreak of avian flu that spread to 28 other Hungarian ... continua

Animal Health policy: EU seek new options

There are 53.000 birds on this Limburg chicken farm in north-west Belgium Here,there are no cages, the chickens are free to come and go as they wish to lay their 50,000 eggs a day in the best possible conditions. Running the chicken farm are Hilde Hendricks Verbeek and her husband. Three years ago the poultry on the farm, located in an area affected by bird flu was totally destroyed.
Hilde Hendrikx-Verbeek, chicken farmerBernard Van Goethem, European Commission Animal HealthBernard Gauthier, vetBernard Hennebert, breederSophie Loos , chicken ... continua