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Tag: Comuni

Totale: 25

5) - Supports SMEs: Low Heat, for the ecological hoyse of the future.

Imaginative SMEs for the ecological House of the Future
Every year, everywhere across Europe, waste hot water is going down the drain with no attempt to recover that heat that is being lost. So why is nothing on the market to recover this energy and put the energy back into the house?.
Interviews:Darren Woodcock: PERA Innovation - Low Heat Project Manager.
Cristopher Robert Simpson: CRS, Engineering - Heat Pipe Design.
Kevin Allsop: Robert Prettie Plumbing Services.
Dale Courtman: The institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering.
John Hill: PERA Innovation - ... continua

2)- Supports SMEs: Paradox, Innovation for the food industry

Innovation with SMEs for the food industry and consumers. Wine. Popular since the dawn of time. But this alcoholic drink, produced mainly from fermented grapes, contains some unexpected and somewhat surprising properties. Interviews:Victor Casana Giner: Secior Scientific Manager - GAT Formulation Silvia Heinrich Kanyak:Wine Producer Barbara Gimeno: CEO - GAT Formulation Stefan Thueringer: Business Development Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

3)- Supports SMEs: Palcom, benefits for high tech.

Palpable benefits for high-tech starts-ups and European universities.
Electronics are everywhere you look. This Indispensable technology tries its best to respond our needs.
However, in some situations a vital bit of equipment doesn't provide all the adequate functions or the right design needed for certain very specific tasks.
Interviews:Morten King: Professor - University of Aarhus.
Erika Frischkbecht Christensen: Medical Director - Aarhus University Hospital
Gustav Poulsen: Physician - Aarhus University Hospital
Ricki Toft Kristiansen: Ambulance Man
Jorgen ... continua

Primo Maggio 2009 con don Gallo ad Alessandria

La festa del Primo Maggio 2009 della Comunità di San Benedetto al Porto si è tenuta ad Alessandria nella ex caserma dei Vigili del Fuoco qui denominata simbolicamente “Casa dei Popoli” per significare l’apertura di questo spazio polivalente a varie associazioni con fini sociali.Insieme a don Gallo, che ha tenuto il suo appello alla Comunità, sono intervenuti per un breve saluto il Presidente Filippi della Provincia di Alessandria e l’Assesssore alla cultura Rossa.

6) - Supports SMEs: OpTag, for the efficient airports of tomorrow.

The expertise of SMEs and universities for the efficietn airports of tomorrow.
The OpTag Project is an EU funded project, which aims to run for 3 years, and the idea here is to try new technologies to enhance the efficiency of airports.
The aim of the project is use technology in combination of cameras, we have design a specific cameras for that and the use of radio frequency tagging to try and determine exactly where any individual passengers within an airport at any given time.
Interviews:Stuart Robson: Department of Geomatics - University College ... continua