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Categoria: Informaciones (217)

Categoria: Informaciones

Totale: 217

EPER: Industrial Pollution On-line

Since February 23rd 2004, this Internet user has added a new bookmark to the favorites listed in his browser. The address is for the EPER site. EPER is the European PollutantEmission Register, which has been placed online by the European Commission. The EPER register is meant to be transparent and accessible to everybody.
A simple click takes the Internet user to the information highways that lead to the hearth of the register. EPER is a systematic listing of the pollutant emissions of nearly 10,000 industrial sites active in the 15 Union Member States and ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 024

El Noticiero Latino Americano - V Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

Sustainable energy ? domestic appliances

European consumers aren?t full aware of the advantages to be gained by new and efficient electric appliances. In view of the up-coming Season shopping, when buying new appliances, it is essential for the consumer to be able to make a well-informed choice. The industry, pushed by the European Commission, has invested in products able to provide a high performance while reducing the environmental impact. Efforts should come from the industry, the consumers, but also from the public administration. The European Commission will propose in January 2007 the Strategic EU ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 015

El Noticiero Latino Americano - III Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

Facing up to a globalised world - The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund

While more open trade leads to more overall benefit for growth and jobs, the EU recognises that, although European labour markets are usually capable of coping with globalisation, the consequences can also be negative e.g. job loss. In exceptional circumstances, specific support may be needed to deal with the situation.
The EGF is a new tool to help do this and is an expression of European solidarity with the people affected. What's been described as an economic shock absorber, the EGF will provide up to 500 million euros a year for those directly affected by job ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 005

El Noticiero Latino Americano - III Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Titulares: -Entrevista a Paco Ignacio Taibo II en el lanzamiento de su libro "Senza perdere la tenereza". -La identidad de los bororo, población indígena de Brasil, en una muestra en Génova, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 013

El Noticiero Latino Americano - IV Edición
Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia.
1) La mala información hace más enredada la ya complicada vida de quienes tienen que lidiar con los trámites de inmigración... ante el difundirse de falsas noticias, en el Noticiero quisimos profundizar sobre las últimas novedades que conciernen al Permesso di Soggiorno...
2)Hace un año, como consecuencia de un grave accidente de tránsito, el Jugador del Vicenza calcio y de la selección paraguaya. Julio González, perdió su brazo izquierdo. Su ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 007

El Noticiero Latino Americano - V Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

Minimising Flood Risks in Europe through Better Planning

Between 1999 and 2004, Europe suffered over a 100 major floods. They caused about 700 deaths, the displacement of half a million people and at least 25 billion ? in insured economic losses.Once again this year the Elbe flooded and the Danube literally smashed its record reaching levels never before seen in Budapest.Increasingly often, the danger of flooding originates in the mountains when torrential rains provoke flash floods which are extremely destructive. Mainly in the semi-aridzones of the Mediterranean basin.
Jean Pascal van Ypersele,Climate ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 038

El Noticiero Latino Americano - V Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com