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Tutti i filmati di archive.org

Totale: 889

The beach girls and the monster

A young girl is killed at the beach in Malibu. Professor Otto Lindsay (Jon Hall) suspects that it is some form of mutated fish. However, his son Richard (Arnold Lessing), who was a good friend of the girl, thinks that it is a madman who has a grudge against Richard and his friends. Soon the list of victims grows to include one of Rich's surfing buddies, Rich's bitchy stepmother Vicky (Sue Casey) and his friend Mark (Walker Edmiston) who was crippled in an auto accident

The disappearance of flight 412

Colonel Pete Moore (Glenn Ford) is commander of the Whitney Radar Test Group, which has been experiencing electrical difficulties aboard its aircraft. To ferret out the problem, he sends a four-man crew on Flight 412. Shortly into the test, the jet picks up three blips on radar, and subsequently, two fighters scramble and mysteriously disappear. At this point, Flight 412 is monitored and forced to land by Digger Control, a top-level, military intelligence group that debunks UFO information. The intrepid colonel, kept in the dark about his crew, decides to investigate ... continua

The eye creatures

The eye creatures (also known as Attack of the eye creatures, or Attack of the the eye creatures from a production error) is a 1965 science-fiction film about an invasion of an unnamed American countryside by a flying saucer and its silent, shambling alien occupants. While the military ineptly attempts to stop the invasion, a group of young people, whose reports to the local police are dismissed as pranks or wild imagination, struggle to defend themselves against the menacing monsters

The ghost walks

During a stormy night at an old dark mansion, people who claim to see ghosts roaming the halls are later found murdered

The yesterday machine

A nazi scientist invents a time machine enabling him to go back to alter the events of WWII

All the kind strangers

A couple traveling through a backwoods area are held by a a group of orphans who want them to become their parents. Unfortunately, the kids have a habit of killing adults who refuse that particular honor

Anatomy of a Psycho

Driven to the edge of insanity by the execution of his older brother, Chet (Darrell Howe) is boiling over with hatred. After getting his face slashed in a senseless alley-way brawl, his paranoia begins to paint everyone around him as an enemy.
He turns to his sweet younger sister, his slutty girlfriend, and even his old poker buddies for solace, but all of them have real or imagined links back to the ill-fated trial that condemned his brother, thus aggravating Chet's psychosis.
After viciously assaulting the prosecuting attorney's son, the troubled youth draws the ... continua

At midnight I will take your soul

A gravedigger prowls the city in search of a female to bear him a son

Atom age vampire

After a beauty is mangled in a car accident, a researcher uses a treatment he has created to restore her to her former self. However, the treatment comes with a high price.... This was originialy an Italian film titled "Seddok, l'erede di Satana" which was later dubbed into English and retitled "Atomic Age Vampire"

Atomic rulers of the world

Super criminals are planning to infiltrate Earth with mass nuclear destruction! Only Starman can defend civilization by thwarting evil!