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Tag: bruxelles

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L'azione delle lobby industriali di stanza a Strasburgo e a Bruxelles distorcono e stravolgono con i loro emendamenti le leggi. Il caso che esponiamo è un classico esempio che fa la felicità dei fabbricanti di cose inutili.

CB - Interview with Renato Cunha

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Renato Cunha, Grupo Ambientalista da Bahia (Gamba).

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Manana Kochladze

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Manana Kochladze, campaigner, Member of the Steering Committee Mid-term review of EIB’s 2007-2013 external mandate as NGO representative

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with María José Romero

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?María José Romero, Instituto del Tercer Mundo,Montevideo - Uruguay

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Nick Hildyard

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Nick Hildyard, The Corner House

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Gabi Zimmer

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Gabi Zimmer, Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Sarah Bracking

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Sarah Bracking, Institute for Development Policy and Management,University of Manchester

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Philip Moser

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Philip Moser, Barrister, Monckton Chambers, London

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Anders Lustgarten

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Anders Lustgarten, Counter Balance coalition

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org

CB - Interview with Alex Wilks

Counter Balance - Challenging the European Investment Bank18th November 2009, BrusselsThe European Investment Bank - Ready for development?Alex Wilks, former director of EURODAD

Visita: www.counterbalance-eib.org