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Categoria: Informaciones (217)

Categoria: Informaciones

Totale: 217

01)- Opening Plenary Session

4th World Meeting of Intellectuals and Artists for Humanity Defense Opening Plenary Session Visit the site:

01)- Scientific public review of Crosetto's 3D-CBS innovative technology

-Opening of proceedings. Introduction of guests of honor (Prof Luigi Marrelli)
-Introduction of review, thanks to sponsors (Dr Vincenzo Vigna)
-Introduction of questionnaire, which completes phase 1 of the review, and description of phase 2 to compose, with the contribution of external specialists and the public, the final report (Dr Vincenzo Vigna)
Visit the site: : Presentation by the inventor. Objectives: Defeat Cancer with early detectionSignals that show cancer development
: Presentation by the inventor. Limits of current PET, solution, FORMULA, guarantee, ... continua

02)- Scientific public review of Crosetto's 3D-CBS innovative technology

Presentation of 3D-CBS technology by inventor Dario Crosetto Need for a Change in Direction of Research Objective: Defeat Cancer with early detection Does a solution exist for early diagnosis? Signals that show cancer development: temperature, density, metabolism Visit the site: : Introduction. Thanks to sponsors : Presentation by the inventor. Limits of current PET, solution, FORMULA, guarantee, Q&A : Specific questions on social & technical objectives, innovative elements, advantages and obstacles : Round table

03)- Scientific public review of Crosetto's 3D-CBS innovative technology

-Limits of current PET (or PET/CT)
-Solution to the problem: the 3D-CBS (A device for early detection with high sensitivity, low radiation, low examination cost - ADVANTAGES-).
-Innovative Characteristics of the 3D-CBS technology
-Validation of the advantages and of the feasibility of the 3D-CBS technology
-Obstacles to the realization of the advantages for everyone
Crosetto's DONATION of the income from his patents for the patients' benefit
-Market: Roles of the parties involved (Investors, Donors, Gov., Patients)
-Public REVIEW: The key to transfer the ... continua

04)- Scientific public review of Crosetto's 3D-CBS innovative technology

-Specific questions about social and technical objectives
-Specific questions about efficiency (where the theoretical limit is, where the other 4,000 PET are placed at the moment in efficiency, how close we can get to the theoretical limit)
-Specific questions on innovative elements of 3D-CBS (detectors, electronics, etc)
-Specific questions on advantages of 3D-CBS and its impact in the reduction of Health Care cost for each live saved from premature cancer death
-Specific questions on the obstacles to the implementation of the advantages that can be obtained from ... continua

05)- Scientific public review of Crosetto's 3D-CBS innovative technology

-Round Table
-Changing the direction of research: method of verifying the achievement of death’s reduction from cancer (taking note of various opinions)
-Screening, early diagnosis and cost saving to Health Care (taking note of various opinions)
Visit the site: : Introduction. Thanks to sponsors
: Presentation by the inventor. Objectives: Defeat Cancer with early detectionSignals that show cancer development
: Presentation by the inventor. Limits of current PET, solution, FORMULA, guarantee, Q&A
: Specific questions on social & technical objectives, ... continua

1) - Supports SMEs: Introduction Clip

SMEs represent more than 99% of European enterprises and account for two-thirds of the EU's GDO and 75 million jobs. They play a decisive role when it comes to economic growth and competitiveness. They comprise all types of firms ranging from one-person businesses to cooperatives. Whilst some SMEs offer very traditional services of craft products, many other are fast growing high-tech companies. Interviews:Theodius Lennon, European Commission - Research Directorate-General Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

112 - European Emergency number

Why 112?
As European citizens are increasingly travelling to other countries, for holidays, business or pleasure, there is a need for a single number, identical across the European Union (EU), to call in an emergency. Instead of having to remember several different numbers, citizens now need only one, wherever they go.
What happens when you call 112?
People calling 112 are connected to an operator. Depending on the national civil protection services, the operator will either deal with the request directly or transfer it to one of the emergency services(ambulance, ... continua

2)- Supports SMEs: Paradox, Innovation for the food industry

Innovation with SMEs for the food industry and consumers. Wine. Popular since the dawn of time. But this alcoholic drink, produced mainly from fermented grapes, contains some unexpected and somewhat surprising properties. Interviews:Victor Casana Giner: Secior Scientific Manager - GAT Formulation Silvia Heinrich Kanyak:Wine Producer Barbara Gimeno: CEO - GAT Formulation Stefan Thueringer: Business Development Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

3)- Supports SMEs: Palcom, benefits for high tech.

Palpable benefits for high-tech starts-ups and European universities.
Electronics are everywhere you look. This Indispensable technology tries its best to respond our needs.
However, in some situations a vital bit of equipment doesn't provide all the adequate functions or the right design needed for certain very specific tasks.
Interviews:Morten King: Professor - University of Aarhus.
Erika Frischkbecht Christensen: Medical Director - Aarhus University Hospital
Gustav Poulsen: Physician - Aarhus University Hospital
Ricki Toft Kristiansen: Ambulance Man
Jorgen ... continua