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Tag: zan

Totale: 65

VFF: ''Non solo la questione dei Generi nell'era Muller''

"Il Cinema italiano è morto forse perche’ non ci sono piu’ i generi?" Docu-Inchiesta dal Venice Film Festival sotto la gestione del bravo Muller con i lucidi contributi dei registi P. Squitieri, Tinto Brass, M. Monicelli, Giulio Questi e dei critici Claudio G. Fava, E. Magrelli, M. Giusti, Gregorio Napoli, A. Dell’Olio, ma anche un po’ di leggerezza dall’Hotel Excelsior- luogo simbolo del Festival- con l’avvenente Nela Lucic, fresca co-protagonista del “Monamour” di Brass e con la bellissima Caterina Murino, perfetta interprete dell’almodovariano ... continua

07)- Modena Economia - IN FORMA

La trasmissione del Consorzio del Parmigiano-Reggiano prevede,oltre ai consueti punti tecnici,l'intervista alla Commissaria Europea all'agricoltura e allo sviluppo rurale Mariann Fischer Boel. a cura di Raffaele Bazzani

Terrafutura 2010, Alex Zanotelli - Acqua bene pubblico

Terra Futura 2010 - Mostra convegno internazionale.Buone pratiche di Governo e d'impresa verso un futuro equo e sostenibile.Padre Alex Zanotelli parla dell'acqua come bene pubblico e lancia un appello per il referendum per la campagna referendaria "l'acqua non si vende".

Visita: www.terrafutura.it

04)- River Perils

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

12)- Operator 17

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

05)- Unseen Hands

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

07)- Flaming Waters

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

06)- Fatal Fangs

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

09)- Dooms Brink

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

03)- Devils Posse

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua