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Totale: 69

Consommation et production durable : la voie vers un monde plus vert

Changer les modes de consommation et de production est l’un des principaux objectifs du développement soutenable. L’évolution des habitudes de consommation des Européens exerce une pression sans cesse accrue sur l’environnement. Les transports, le logement et l'alimentation représentent environ 80 % de l’impact de l’homme sur l’environnement, en ce compris les déchets et les émissions de CO2.Dès lors, nos choix de consommateurs peuvent réduire notre impact sur l’environnement et inciter les entreprises à concevoir des produits et services qui en ... continua

AIDS: New leads for treatments and vaccines

Today, 1st December 2006, is the nineteenth World Aids Day. Some alarming data shows that in certain countries the rate of infections, which in the past were stable or in decline, are now increasing. According to sources at UNAIDS, in 2006 more than 4 million new people have been infected. In Central and Eastern Europe alone more than 740,000 individuals live with the disease. Research on this terrible virus intensifies. In Europe, and notably with the support of the European institutions, numerous laboratories test new treatments and vaccines. Carmen, 25 years ... continua

SIDA : nouvelles pistes de traitements et de vaccins

Ce 1er décembre 2006, verra la XIX ième édition de la Journée Mondiale contre le Sida. Des données alarmantes montrent que dans certains pays, le taux des infections, autrefois stable ou en déclin, est en hausse. Selon les sources de UNAIDS, en 2006, plus de 4 millions de nouvelles personnes ont été infectées. Rien qu'en Europe centrale et orientale, plus de 740 000 individus vivent avec la maladie. La recherche sur le terrible virus s'intensifie. En Europe aussi, et, notamment, avec le soutien des institutions européennes, de nombreux laboratoires ... continua

A European Vision of the Seas

For centuries, the ocean has been part of our lives. It is a source of food, a means of transport, a place to relax or to work.
But today, the marine environment is under pressure: shipping is growing, the risk of pollution is increasing, tourism is expanding. Climate change is worsening storms and erosion.
Interviews:Josè Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission
John Harrison, Commissioning engineer, Elsam-Vestas
Captain Roy Stanbrook, Deputy Harbour Master
Tiedo Vellinga, Director of spatial planning, Maasvlakte 2
Alderman Van Sluis, Vice-Mayor of ... continua

Access to Cross-border Health Care in the EU: Clarification Needed

With more and more people travelling within the EU, what happens if a European citizen needs healthcare in another Member State, and especially, what about the cost?
The European Health Insurance Card covers the costs if you fall ill during a trip in another EU country. Costs are also covered for patients who have been authorized by their national health system to go toanother Member State for medical treatments. But what happens if the authorization is not granted?
Interviews:Nick Fahy, European Commission DG Health and Consumer Protection
Nicolas Decker
Monique ... continua

VNR: You Control Climate Change

This morning, Stefano Schio is using his car to go to the Venice town hall, where he works. He drives a few kilometres before arriving at a transit car parking which has been recently created by the Venice city council.After a short wait, he gets on a bus. He will not have to walk for more than a few minutes before he gets to his office.
Interviews:Anna Bressan, Municipality of Venice
Eduardo Tognon, Venetian Energy Agency
Gianfranco Federici, ITER Garching
Laura Fincato, Member of Parliament and Environmental Councillor
Jaroslav Stercl, ZS Namesti ... continua

En finir avec la pauvreté des enfants en Europe

Les enfants qui grandissent dans la pauvreté etl’exclusion sociale ont moins de chances que leurs pairs mieux lotis deréussir à l’école, d’être en bonne santé et d’éviter d’être confrontés à lajustice pénale. Ils sont également susceptibles de rencontrer davantage dedifficultés pour faire leur entrée sur le marché du travail et trouver leurplace au sein de la société.
La reprise économique récente et la baisse du taux dechômage ne se sont pas traduites par une réduction de la pauvreté desenfants. La théorie du ruissellement ne marche ... continua

Turning waste into resources

As Europe grows wealthier it creates more and more rubbish. Every man, woman and child in the EU generates over a kilo of waste every day. Multiply that figure by nearly half a billion EU citizens and it quickly becomes clear that managing our waste without harming the environment is a major headache.
European citizens are deeply concerned about the waste mountain building up around them and there is a growing realization that we cannot continue dumping vast quantities of rubbish without serious environmental consequences. But this has not stopped the amount of waste ... continua

Smart Cars to Reduce Road Accidents

Every year Bidendum Challenge brings cars of the future together for a series of races. It's a lot of fun, but it's also a chance to compare new technologies.Some of the vehicles doing battle in the French capital, Paris, this year are prototypes equipped with highly sophisticated technology that could save many, many lives.It's drivers like Frédéric Blanc that new safety features will help in particular. The Frenchman's still wounded by a serious accident he had two years ago.
Frederic Blanc,Maxime FlamentMatthias SchlzeAngelos Amditis
Visit the ... continua

Research to Protect Deep-sea Corals

Swedish marine biologist Toomas Lundalv and Lisbeth Jonsson arrive early at their research boat. Thery are taking advantage of the longer, warmer Scandinavian summer-days to sail off the Tisler Reefm, an area just one hour from the coast, near the maritime border between Sweden and Norway. They are looking for Europe's secret underwater gardens: deep-water coral reefs. They use this Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) to take pictures of the reef. And this is what they find: the largest onshore deep-water coral reefs discovered in Europe to date. The reefs is around 1200 ... continua