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Categoria: Informaciones (217)

Categoria: Informaciones

Totale: 217

Improving Organ Donation and Transplanation in Europe

Tito Mora has been a successful singer in Spain for many years.His most precious souvenir: probably this golden disc. The very first to be awarded in Spain When we listen to the old songs it's always with a little bit of nostalgia for the past. A time before one of the most difficult periods of this life. Interviews:Tito Mora, patient Tapani Piha, European Commission Dr Rafael Matesanz, National Transplant Organisation Dr Andres Varela, Puerta de Hierro Hospital Dr Arie Ossterlee, Eurotransplant International Foundation Visit the site: www.mostra.com

Europe Strengthens Maritime Safety

Erika and Prestige. These two names are synonymous with tragedies that highlighted the vulnerability of Europe's coastline. In response to these disasters, the EuropeanUnion took a series of supplementary measures to make its seas safer.
Interviews:Commissioner Jacques Barrot, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of transports
Alfons Guinier, Secretary General, European Community Shipowners' Association
Captain Jim Bird, Nautical Surveyor, Southampton Marine Office
Francois Lamoureux, General Director, European Commission
Robin Middleton, Secretary ... continua

Access to Cross-border Health Care in the EU: Clarification Needed

With more and more people travelling within the EU, what happens if a European citizen needs healthcare in another Member State, and especially, what about the cost?
The European Health Insurance Card covers the costs if you fall ill during a trip in another EU country. Costs are also covered for patients who have been authorized by their national health system to go toanother Member State for medical treatments. But what happens if the authorization is not granted?
Interviews:Nick Fahy, European Commission DG Health and Consumer Protection
Nicolas Decker
Monique ... continua

A European Vision of the Seas

For centuries, the ocean has been part of our lives. It is a source of food, a means of transport, a place to relax or to work.
But today, the marine environment is under pressure: shipping is growing, the risk of pollution is increasing, tourism is expanding. Climate change is worsening storms and erosion.
Interviews:Josè Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission
John Harrison, Commissioning engineer, Elsam-Vestas
Captain Roy Stanbrook, Deputy Harbour Master
Tiedo Vellinga, Director of spatial planning, Maasvlakte 2
Alderman Van Sluis, Vice-Mayor of ... continua

Demonstration against the criminal Guantánamo base prisons

The theatre group TRUNDHOLM MOSE on July 4 presented a demonstration against the criminal Guantánamo base prisons with more than 450 persons detained without hope for a trial.

Close to 300 men and women participated in the demonstration.

This short video was via Reuters in London sent to hundreds of tv stations around the world. How many that brought this news footage will not be known until some months ahead.

But the important Mid East tv station Al-Jazeera sent a tv team to cover the event. Let us hope that this will open the eyes of the ... continua

Noticiero Panamericano

De 1960, en blanco y negro. Contiene tres notas educativas argentinas: Palmar de Entre Ríos, en Concepción entregan premios, aniversario establecimiento escolar. Sigue una gran variedad de notas del festival de cine de Mar del Plata, de los distintos noticieros cinematográficos argentinos entre 1960 y 1967. Es posible apreciar las estrellas de los países más remotos y los acontecimientos de tan importante evento del séptimo arte Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 028

El Noticiero Latino Americano - III Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 027

El Noticiero Latino Americano - III Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 026

El Noticiero Latino Americano - III Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 025

El Noticiero Latino Americano - III Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com