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Yann Ferguson: Humano y máquina: una dupla poderosa

Yann Ferguson: Doctor en sociología de la Universidad de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, profesor e investigador en el sitio de Icam de Toulouse e investigador asociado en el Centro para el Estudio y la Organización de Trabajo de Investigación Power. Su trabajo se centra en la acción instrumentada, especialmente en situaciones marcadas por un alto nivel de complejidad e incertidumbre. Se compromete a calificar las mediaciones realizadas por los instrumentos con los usuarios y, a la vez, cuestiona el tema de la aceptación social. Actualmente trabaja en dos campos: ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Yascha Mounk: Democracia en crisis

Escritor, académico y orador público de origen alemán, conocido como experto mundial en la crisis de la democracia liberal y el surgimiento del populismo.
Licenciado en Historia del “Trinity College” de Cambridge con un doctorado en Gobierno de la Universidad de Harvard.
Actualmente es profesor asociado de práctica de asuntos internacionales en la Universidad de Johns Hopkins, asesor principal del “Protect Democracy”, miembro principal del Centro Reiss de Derecho y Seguridad de la Universidad de Nueva York, miembro del Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores, ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Yin Li: Desarrollo de Ciencias, Tecnología y Bioeconomía en China

Yin Li: Director general del Instituto de Biotecnología Industrial de Tianjin y profesor del Instituto de Microbiología de la Academia China de las Ciencias (CAS). Además, es doctor en Ingeniería en Fermentación y profesor visitante en la Universidad de Cornell.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Yo, Taraneh tengo 15 años

Taraneh es una joven de 15 años que perdió a su madre cuando era pequeña y su padre se encuentra en la cárcel.
Ella vive con su abuela e intenta llevar adelante una vida normal hasta que Amin, un joven adinerado le propone matrimonio.
Taraneh rechaza la propuesta en principio, pero ante la insistencia de su hijo, la madre de Amir convence a Taraneh a aceptar la propuesta. Sin embargo, en lugar de un matrimonio típico, la unión es en forma de una ceremonia religiosa temporal o "sigheh".
Solamente cuatro meses después la pareja se da cuenta de que son ... continua

Yogi Bear 01 - Yogi Bear's big break

Yogi Bear is a cartoon character who has appeared in numerous comic books, animated television shows and films. He made his debut in 1958 as a supporting character in The Huckleberry Hound Show.
Yogi Bear was the first breakout character created by Hanna-Barbera and was eventually more popular than Huckleberry Hound. In January 1961, he was given his own show, The Yogi Bear Show, sponsored by Kellogg's, which included the segments Snagglepuss and Yakky Doodle. Hokey Wolf replaced his segment on The Huckleberry Hound Show. A musical animated feature film, Hey There, ... continua

Yogi Bear 02 - Slumber party smarty

Yogi Bear is a cartoon character who has appeared in numerous comic books, animated television shows and films. He made his debut in 1958 as a supporting character in The Huckleberry Hound Show.
Yogi Bear was the first breakout character created by Hanna-Barbera and was eventually more popular than Huckleberry Hound. In January 1961, he was given his own show, The Yogi Bear Show, sponsored by Kellogg's, which included the segments Snagglepuss and Yakky Doodle. Hokey Wolf replaced his segment on The Huckleberry Hound Show. A musical animated feature film, Hey There, ... continua

Yogi Bear 03 - Pie-Pirates

Yogi Bear is a cartoon character who has appeared in numerous comic books, animated television shows and films. He made his debut in 1958 as a supporting character in The Huckleberry Hound Show.
Yogi Bear was the first breakout character created by Hanna-Barbera and was eventually more popular than Huckleberry Hound. In January 1961, he was given his own show, The Yogi Bear Show, sponsored by Kellogg's, which included the segments Snagglepuss and Yakky Doodle. Hokey Wolf replaced his segment on The Huckleberry Hound Show. A musical animated feature film, Hey There, ... continua

Yogi Bear 04 - Big bad bully

Yogi Bear is a cartoon character who has appeared in numerous comic books, animated television shows and films. He made his debut in 1958 as a supporting character in The Huckleberry Hound Show.
Yogi Bear was the first breakout character created by Hanna-Barbera and was eventually more popular than Huckleberry Hound. In January 1961, he was given his own show, The Yogi Bear Show, sponsored by Kellogg's, which included the segments Snagglepuss and Yakky Doodle. Hokey Wolf replaced his segment on The Huckleberry Hound Show. A musical animated feature film, Hey There, ... continua

Yogi Bear 05 - Foxy Hound-Dog

Yogi Bear is a cartoon character who has appeared in numerous comic books, animated television shows and films. He made his debut in 1958 as a supporting character in The Huckleberry Hound Show.
Yogi Bear was the first breakout character created by Hanna-Barbera and was eventually more popular than Huckleberry Hound. In January 1961, he was given his own show, The Yogi Bear Show, sponsored by Kellogg's, which included the segments Snagglepuss and Yakky Doodle. Hokey Wolf replaced his segment on The Huckleberry Hound Show. A musical animated feature film, Hey There, ... continua

Yogi Bear 06 - Big brave bear

Yogi Bear is a cartoon character who has appeared in numerous comic books, animated television shows and films. He made his debut in 1958 as a supporting character in The Huckleberry Hound Show.
Yogi Bear was the first breakout character created by Hanna-Barbera and was eventually more popular than Huckleberry Hound. In January 1961, he was given his own show, The Yogi Bear Show, sponsored by Kellogg's, which included the segments Snagglepuss and Yakky Doodle. Hokey Wolf replaced his segment on The Huckleberry Hound Show. A musical animated feature film, Hey There, ... continua