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Four Robbers

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Arcoiris - TV
1987 - Action / Martial Arts

The plot concerns four criminals from mainland China who go to Hong Kong to make their fortune. Just because I used the word plot shouldn't lead you to think that it makes any sense. It doesn't. The main point of this movie is the tight relationship of the four robbers. The humorless leader is always going on about his principles while he's shooting and stealing. But the real stars of this movie are the people who did the dubbing. I guess they were bored or drunk or something because they do some hilarious voices. There is a character named Dragon that gets a Dean Martin-like voice. And the Thai policeman who is put in charge of the investigation is given a deep, weird voice. There are several minor characters that have unusual and funny voices also. This the only reason to watch this movie but it's enough. This movie is available as part of the Mill Creek Entertainment Martial Arts 50 Movie Pack.
Directed by: Gam Loi Sung
Writing credits:Gam Loi Sung

Complete credited cast:
Charlie ChoFeng KuChun Fai LauWing Shan LeeKong Sang NgHon Shek Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

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