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Under California Stars

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Arcoiris - TV
1944 - Western Roy has just finished his latest film and leaves for his ranch where he will be broadcasting a show celebrating his tenth year in movies. When Roy and Trigger arrive at his ranch he finds Cookie has hired his relatives. Caroline, the only relative that doesn't have a strong resemblance to Cookie, is the horse trainer. Bob Tells Roy a gang of men are hunting range horses. Roy puts a stop to hunting on his land. Pop decides there's money in kidnapping Trigger and demands a $100,000 ransom. McFarland's stepson, Ted, and his dog Tramp, run away and is found hiding in Roy's barn. A trap is set to catch the kidnappers ranch.Directed by: William Witney Writing credits: Paul Gangelin, Sloan NibleyCast: Roy Rogers, Trigger, Jane Frazee, Andy Devine, George Lloyd, Wade Crosby, Michael Chapin, House Peters Jr., Steve Clark, Joseph A. Garro, Paul Power, John Wald, Bob Nolan Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

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