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Tutti i filmati di Buskers

Totale: 28

Damiyr - sings Asaf Avidan! Watch what happens!

Street artists: Highway star (Deep Purple cover)

Frente a estación Tobalaba, Santiago de Chile.

Amazing street magician in London

On a trip to West End to buy some cinnabons we came across a street magician performing in Leicester Square with a cigarette and a mouse. Amazing stuff.

Beyonce - Halo - live in New York City subway - Silvia Jhony

Beyoncé - Halo - live in New York city subway

Violinist Stuns Bangkok Street with Radioactive Looping Cover

Amazing jam session!!!! A Girl Randomly Joins Street Musician for a spontaneous jam

Amazing musical moment in Milan center near Duomo di Milano . A lady named Kamile Kielaite with a impressive voice joining a street Musician Simone Nannicini for an impromptu jam on the street. Such an emotional energy between these two musicians!!!

Amazingly creative street musician in London

I spotted this incredible street musician while walking through the Notting Hill Saturday market. If the video isn't too clear, this amazing street performer is playing on a tennis racket guitar, a typewriter and a cutlery set. Although the song being played is a cover, the creativity of the artist has transformed it into very original piece of art.

Snow Patrol, Chasing Cars (cover) - busking in the streets of London, UK

The band is called FUNFICTION. You can support them by sharing this video & liking their social media pages. Thanks!

Jewish men singing Pink Floyd's

Two guys playing music after midnight, in the wee hours of Sunday morning, on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem (July 2013). The guys are the talented Gat Brothers, Aryeh and Gil.

Glasgow Busker 'Ben Monteith' and Street Dancer 'Leo'