5) - Dance of Death

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television and on community access channels. These programs address the implications and consequences of this country's recent military actions. The series also shows how people are mobilizing through art, actions, and international law.
These programs are produced by independent video activists who do not buy it into the lies, who are not cowed by the threasts , who believe that building a just world is the way to combat terror. They are speaking out and organizing to counter the waves of propraganda and deceit that continue to dominate the corporate airwaves.
Series Editors: Larilyn Sanchez, Molly Fink, Veronica Davidov, Brandon Jourdan.
Series Producer: Persheng Vaziri.
Associate Producer: Brendan Schwartz.
Development and project coordinators: Brian Drolet and DeeDee Halleck.
Visit the site: www.deepdishtv.org