AIDS: New leads for treatments and vaccines

Today, 1st December 2006, is the nineteenth World Aids Day. Some alarming data shows that in certain countries the rate of infections, which in the past were stable or in decline, are now increasing. According to sources at UNAIDS, in 2006 more than 4 million new people have been infected. In Central and Eastern Europe alone more than 740,000 individuals live with the disease. Research on this terrible virus intensifies. In Europe, and notably with the support of the European institutions, numerous laboratories test new treatments and vaccines. Carmen, 25 years old and HIV-positive for 6 years, bases her hopes on AIDS research. All like her, some 40 million people in the world are affected by HIV. This virus is dangerous because it affects the human?s immune system and notably the T cells. As the cells decline, the body weakens and loses its capacity to protect itself. Today in Europe, many projects have been established to combat this scourge: from prevention to research, the actions undertaken are numerous.
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