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Tag: copenhagen

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Copenhagen Cop15, entrevista con Juan Carlos Jintiach sobre el REDD

La Coordinadora de las Organizaciones Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica – COICA se encuentra impulsando procesos de capacitación para sus miembros en el tema del Cambio Climático, con miras a establecer equipos que trabajen incidencia nacional e internacional sobre los posibles mecanismos de adaptación y mitigación al cambio climático (REDD y otras propuestas) que establecería la UNFCCC especialmente, las decisiones cruciales en diciembre de este año en la COP15, y que afectan directamente a territorios y pueblos indígenas de la cuenca amazónica.

Visita: www.wsftv.net

Copenhagen Cop 15: farmers position on climate change

Georges Baroni from La Confederacion Paysanne and Renaldo Chingore Joao from Unac Mozambique explain their position about the COP15 conferance at the Bella Center In Copenhagen.

Visita: www.wsftv.net

The President's Dilemma

The Pacific islands of Kiribati were among the last places to be colonized by humans. But now, because of rising sea levels, they may be among the first to be abandoned. Should Kiribati President Anote Tong surrender to climate change and evacuate? Can anything be done to help him buy more time?

Visita: www.wsftv.net

Candle light vigil in solidarity with the victims of climate change

The International Peasant's Movement La Via Campesina invites the media to a candle light vigil and symbolic action. Farmers from around the world are affected by climate change – droughts and floods are destroying their land and crops . But these farmers are also extremely seriously affected by the false solutions currently negotiated at the UNFCCC: carbon trading, land evictions in the name of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation), agrofuels, climate-ready genetically modified seeds...

Visita: www.wsftv.net

Highlight COP15 Copenhagen 11 December

Preparing for the next day demonstration... with Badrul Alam (La Via Campesina Bangladesh), Christian Oebond (friends of the earth europe), Saila-Marie Persson (Saminuorra people), Georges Baroni (Confederation Paysanne)

Visita: www.wsftv.net

Climate Justice Now! Copenhagen COP15 demonstration

Statements of Jose Bove Confederation Paysanne France, Christophe Aguitton Attac France, Alphonsine Ngie Ngube COPACO/PRP Congo, Miguel Palacin COICA Amazzonica Peru, Henry Saragih La Via Campesina Indonesia

Visita: www.wsftv.net

La Via Campesina COP 15-Action in front of Danish Meat Council building

Copenhagen 13 December 09.La Via Campesina Action in front of Danish Meat Council buiding, Copenhagen 13 December 09 to denounce this model of intensive industrial production- from the soya and its transportation to the export of the meat Interventions of Danish Farmer Ole Davidson from Frie Boender, Marie Smekens La Via Campesina Belgium, Dayana Mezzonato MST Brazil, Alberto Zoratti Fair Italy "These pigs are mainly fed by GMO soya grown industrially in deforested land in South America from which the true owners have been expelled. Huge amounts of fuel are used for ... continua

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